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Chapter 25



Today was like any other day since the incident at the annual Uchiha dinner party half a year ago. I’m still pretty depressed but not as much as when it happened.

I decided I was going to visit her after school, well more like the whole group decided we were gonna visit her.

Speaking of the group, here they are now.

We said our greeting and headed to lunch.

I got a bag of cool ranch Doritos and a Gatorade and sat by Sasuke in my usual seat, so anyway we sat down minding our own business when Pinkie and blondie came up to us for the millionth time since Akira left.

I ignored them and silently ate my chips.

After I was done I headed to class with the rest of the group.

Classes were soo boring, the only class I couldn’t fall asleep in gym, and simply because Gai-sensei was yelling about youthfulness all period and lee was following along, really creepy.

Finally school was over and we could visit Akira.

We took the limo so we didn’t have to take multiple cars.

We entered the hospital building, the lady at the front desk recognized us cause we always came to visit Akira,

"here for Akira?" she asks like always, we nodded like always and she smiles.

"she got discharged" she says, my eyes widened

she's awake?!

"what!?" Temari, Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba and I said simultaneously.

"she woke up earlier today, and a nice young man came to get her" she said startled by our sudden outburst.

millions of questions raced through my head.

where could she possibly be? who took her?

you know stuff like that.

"do you know where they went?!" I heard Kiba ask. "uh, no, I’m sorry" she said, he slammed his fists on the desk and the receptionist cowered back.

"w-well we can’t stay here f-forever, w-we should go l-look for her" Hinata said playing with her fingers.

"well, what’re we waiting for?!" I asked the group and walked out while they followed.

"ok we need a plan, how're we gonna find Akira?" I said as we got in the limo.

"how troublesome, why don’t we ask her what he looked like?" Shikamaru suggested, well who else says how troublesome.

"great idea! I’ll go ask" I said and got out the limo.


Who could’ve possibly taken Akira, I mean it could’ve been anyone who hated her, and that’s a lot of people, but how many knew she was in a coma, and it has to be someone that was at the dinner party.

Wait since when was I smart?

Anyway Eiko finally came back looking confused. "she said he was tall and had long black hair" she said looking at us.

"oh he also said he looked like one of us" we looked at each other well all except for Sasuke, he looked deadly right now.

"Itachi" he said in a low voice.

"Itachi! why didn’t I think of that! only family can take her out and the only family she has is you and Itachi!" Eiko said, stood and hit her head on the roof of the car, and was now holding her head.

"you’re a genius!" I said with a straight face.

"thank you" she said smiling,

"I was being sarcastic" I said, Sasuke smirked, Hinata giggled a little.

"THAT IS NOT FUNNY!!" she screeched and sat back down.

Temari rolled her eyes and said, "so how do we find Akira?" Sasuke sighed

"take us home" James, the chauffer(sp?), nodded and drove us home while we were all looking at Sasuke like he was crazy.

"why are we at home?!" Eiko said clearly trying to calm herself down.

"to get Jeff’s limo" he said and got out before James could help.

We all piled out and headed for Jeff’s, I don’t think it’s actually his though.

"why?" I asked as we walked to the limo, very slowly.

We finally got to the limo. Sasuke explained everything to Jeff, who freaked out, I swear that guy is gay, but got in the limo anyway, willing to drive us anywhere to save Akira.

when we got in Sasuke was staring at the cushioned ceiling of the limo.

"what’re you looking for?" Eiko asked impatiently.

"the tracking system" he said poking the roof.

"she has a tracking system?!" Temari screeched, I forgot about her.

"why didn’t just say so, geez, its right here" she said and pushed the middle of the ceiling, a small screen slid out and started talking,

"password please" Eiko looked like she didn’t know the password for a minute the typed in K-I-B-A

"password accepted" I blushed a little, I was her password.

"who would you like to find Ms. Eiko" the screen said, Sasuke looked amused, as always.

"Uchiha Itachi" she said. It showed a map with the limo, and a house with a red flashing dot.

"w-wait I know that house, there’s supposed to be a party today" Hinata said quietly making everyone in the limo turn to her, including Shikamaru, who (for once) was not asleep.

"how do you know?" Shikamaru asked.

"Neji said something about it" she said playing with her fingers.

"well what if he didn’t take her there" Eiko said, we all looked at her, -_-

"uh maybe not"

Sasuke told Jeff where to, and we were off.


"where are we going?" I asked the blacked haired guy driving. he stayed silent and I sighed, I had a very bad feeling about this, but I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.

He parked in front of a huge house with a bunch of cars parked in front of it. we stepped out of the car and started walking to the door, I pulled on his arm.

"um, who am I?" he looked down at me.

"seems like you have amnesia" he sighs, "your name is Uchiha Akira" he said, "but, I didn’t ask for my name, even though I didn’t know that, I asked who I was?" I said looking up at him, he sure is tall. He smirked,

"still have the logic, I see" he said and went inside, I blinked and quickly followed.

what does he mean, ‘I still have the logic’?

I don’t get it.

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