Akira's Past

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Chapter 38



Sigh, they were all leaning in to get the full story of Akira’s past, and I’m sure you are too.


“Akira’s past was somewhat like Sasuke’s” I said vaguely.

“We want full details!!” Eiko said.

I sighed, again, “Fine”



“Okaa-san (mom), Otou-san (dad), where are you!!” I screamed as I checked all the room on one side of our huge house, while Sasuke checked the other.

I stared at the training room, right by the indoor pool; I have yet to use both of them.

I hesitantly swing the door open and poke my head in.

I entered the room, my heart beating fast, way above normal.

I saw Itachi standing in the middle of the room, and right under him was mom and dad.

“Itachi-nii-san…?” I stared at him with wide eyes, and turned to the door right before Sasuke busted in, and before I knew it I was thrown to a random wall and knocked out.


“Will she be okay?” I heard.

“We don’t know, but from the results, she might have temporary amnesia, but we’ll have to wait and see” I heard a man say.

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to sit up but found, it hurt, a lot, so I stopped, resting on my elbows, but that hurt too, so I sat up more slowly this time, it worked, Yay.

“Rosie!” I said and I hugged her,

“I don’t think she has amnesia” Rosy said smiling down at me,

“Ne ne Rosie, where’s mommy and daddy?” I asked with innocent eyes. She froze,

“Then again, maybe she does” I cocked my head to the right a little,

“What is amnesia” I said getting off the hospital bed, clinging to Rosy in the process.

They ignored my questions and took me back home.

I looked down sadly, and was quiet the whole way home.

~A Year Later~

I stared sadly at a picture of my mom, while Rose was helping me pick out my clothes for a party going on tomorrow.

“Which one you like?” she asked showing me two outfits, but I wasn’t paying attention.

“Akira?” she put the outfits down, and I looked up, out of my trance.

“Rosie, can you keep a secret?” I ask looking right at her.

“Sure, what is it?” she asked concerned, I took a deep breath,

“Don’t tell anybody, ok?” she nodded.

“I know my parents died, and I don’t have amnesia” I said looking down, she bent down to my height,

“then, why did you pretend that you did have amnesia?” she asked calmly, I stared at her kinda surprised, she wasn’t yelling at me, or anything, like my dad would do.

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