A week in Suna: Day 2

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Chapter 40


“Akira, wake up, it’s time to go to school” I heard and groaned.

“Why can’t we skip school?” I asked the voice, it stayed quiet and I was about to go back to sleep when I suddenly felt cold and wet, I literally jumped off the couch and glared at Sora who was holding an empty bowl.

“Sora, you are soo dead!” I said and chased her around the mansion for a while before deciding that I needed a shower, badly.

Sora finally noticed I wasn’t following her anymore and sighed, obviously out of breath, she didn’t have any stamina whatsoever.

That’s why she doesn’t play sports.

After I was done with my much needed shower, I decided to head to the mall, besides I was way too late to go to school, and frankly I didn’t feel like going to school, I mean I should be on break.

I headed to the mall and started looking around.

The only reason I came in the first place was because most of my clothes and belongings were in Konoha and I really didn’t feel like taking a trip all the way back, and have a pretty high chance of running into Kiba, both ways, literally and not literally, and frankly I don’t know which is worse.

I, obviously, wasn’t watching where I was going and walked into someone, who also probably wasn’t watching where he or she was going.

I stood up rubbing my butt and was about to yell at the person when I saw Gaara, my jaw dropped.

“Gaara, What are you doing here?” I asked just as he got up and looked at me.

“What do most people do in a mall?” he asked back, I raised an eyebrow.

“A lot of things: like eating, shopping, getting a tattoo or a piercing, etc.” I said and he sighed, I laughed and said, “Don’t mind me, just looking around, maybe I’ll buy something” I started walking away when I heard him call me, I turned around.

“Yea?” he looked embarrassed,

“Do you think a girl would like this?” he asks holding up a silver necklace with a small red heart hanging from it.

It looked kinda plain but it was totally kute.

I had to stop myself from squealing, mainly because it’s something I don’t do, I can’t stand squealing, I mean it’s high-pitched and annoying, and I’m getting sidetracked aren’t I.

“Well depends on the girl…what, do you like someone?” I asked wiggling my eyebrows in a weird way.

He raised an eyebrow, probably at my sudden weirdness, but blushed, a teensy weensy little pink, at my words.

I stopped wiggling my eyebrows, noticing his blush and starting dancing around him saying he likes a girl.

“So, who is it??” I asked leaning in excitedly. I swear Sora’s rubbing off on me.

“…” he stayed quiet.

“Okay then, do I know her?” I asked trying to guess, he nodded.

“Okay, hmm, how tall is she, my height, your height?” I asked, he looked at me

“A little bit shorter than you” he said, I pretended to scratch my invisible beard.

“Does she live here in Suna?” I asked, I inwardly smirked, and he nodded.

“Is she Sora?” I asked and he looked at me shocked.

“How did you know?”

I grinned, “Lucky guess” I said winking.

“So, you like Sora” I said nudging him suggestively

“Oh, and by the way, Sora likes flashy jewelry” I winked and walked away from a still shocked Gaara.


Where’s Akira, all I remember is her taking a shower after chasing me.

I’ll be at the mall if you need me.

I remembered her saying, oops, ha-ha.

I quickly headed to the mall, but not before changing out of my uniform for school, finally accepting the fact that we weren’t going to school today, not that minded.

I entered the mall looking for possible places Akira might shop at, but in the midst of the currently unsuccessful search, I found Akira in front of a jewelry store talking to Gaara!

My Gaara! Ok maybe he’s not mine yet but still.

I shook the thoughts out of my head to see her wink and walk away, this is not good!

What if Gaara starts liking Akira and not me!

I quickly ran over to her, almost tackling her in the process, “what was that about!?” I asked impatiently lingering on her shoulders

“What are you talking about?” she asks getting out of her shock.

“That thing with Gaara” I said mimicking and exaggerating her wink, she rolled her eyes at my awesome copy of her wink *wink wink* LOL.

“Nothing, we were just talking” she said, -_-

“Just talking doesn’t require wink, wink” I said mimicking her wink again.

“Just drop it Sora, we were just talking” she said and left the mall leaving me standing there until I decided to follow her.

Just great, Gaara just might like Akira;

This is not something I can just drop like it’s nothing!

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