A week in Suna: Day 5

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Chapter 43



Today’s gonna be boring, I can feel it.


I got up and looked around, and then I remembered I had crashed in with Akira last night.

I hopped out of bed and headed straight to Akira’s room to wake her up.

“Akira??” she wasn’t in there, then she won’t mind if I borrow some clothes.

I quickly picked out something and headed to the bathroom.

I took a long hot shower and quickly dressed.

I wore black leather ankle boots with jewelry for decoration, over tight black skinny jeans, with a wide black leather belt over it with a huge skull in front, with a tucked in black shirt that said ‘Kutie’ in bubbly golden letters. I also wore a black beanie tilted on my head.

I had to admit, I looked good.

I finished eating breakfast, in front of the TV and noticed a note on the kitchen counter.

I read it and sighed.

It’s my birthday and she wants me to get groceries, geez.

I headed to the store and got everything, really boring.

After that I went to the mall to see if I could buy myself a present.

I entered a jewelry store, and stared at a few charms, one had ‘best’, on it, another had, ‘friends’ on it, and the last one had ‘forever’ on it.

I wanted them but the cashier said they had to order more.

That sucks.


I sighed and slumped back on the couch, it was already 6pm and Akira was still not back yet. I flipped through channels bored out of my mind.

I sighed again and got up, turning off the TV.

I exited the medium sized 4-bedroom house and locked the door behind me.

I got in my black w/ chrome trimmings dodge charger, and headed home.


“Everything set?” everyone nodded and I smiled, perfect.

If I know Sora, she should be at the mall, or still shopping for groceries.

I smiled wider while inspecting my work.

I walked over to the snack table and grabbed some chips and fruit punch, I made sure no one had alcohol to spike the drinks.

A little thing called no popular, bitchy people allowed. Period.

I heard the door unlock and my eyes widened, she shouldn’t be here yet!!

“Everyone, hide!!” I said, dashing to the kitchen, to get rid of my food.

Why now?? Right when I’m hungry and just got some food.

“SURPRISE!!!” we said in unison as Sora entered.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, she looked frozen.

“Sora?” I asked walking to her.

She isn’t really one for surprises, she hates them, she says ‘surprises are useless, you’re just keeping something from someone just to tell them later, what’s the point’ I usually just laugh it off.

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