Military School?!?!

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Chapter 3


I entered the building to find girls in skimpy outfits looking at me with evil smirks on their faces.

I gave them a weird look, “Can I help you with something?” I asked still giving the Barbie’s a weird look. You know what, I’m gonna call em Barbie’s from now on.

“Yea, you know, you can soo help us by…” a pink haired girl started walking slowly toward me while the others followed suit. I ended up getting surrounded by preppy girls. How nice. Note the sarcasm.

“And that would be?” I asked while their grins just grew wider.

They darted at me; I had nowhere to go, one of them tripped me, another grabbed my arms before I could completely fall. They carried me through the halls all the way to what I guessed was the back of the school. I then saw a tall flag pole. You’re kidding me, right? They better not be thinking what I think they’re thinking.

They got a long roll of rope and tied it to the pole, and then they started tying me to the pole.

What is wrong with these people? They tie a new kid to a pole because she was by her brother?! That’s bogus.

I squirmed and kicked the girl in front of me; she had blonde hair in a ponytail. She squealed and let go of the rope tying me to the pole. I got out of the rope and ran a hand through my black hair. That didn’t work out very well. Apparently one of them thought it would be funny to pull my hair. I pulled my hand out of my hair and looked at the smirking pink haired girl. I raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not escaping easily” she says still smirking, I raised an eyebrow.

“Alright” I said shrugging. Suddenly I felt something hit the back of my knees. I let in a surprised gasp as I fell to my knees. The pink haired girl, who I assumed kicked me, pushed my face first into the dirt.

Oh no, she just didn’t!

She sat on my back, still pulling my hair. She obviously didn’t think it was important to hold my hands…

There’s your mistake pinky.

I smirked to myself and placed my hands firmly on the ground, pushing myself up. She let out a high pitched squeal as she fell to the ground, automatically letting go of my hair.

“That was a big mistake” I said staring down at her. My face looked emotionless, as I looked down at her. She scrambles to get up and put on a fearless face.

She huffs, “I'm not scared of you!”

“You don’t have to be” I said calmly, I smirked.

“Well, if you just stay away from Sasuke, then this wouldn’t even be happening” she glared at me.

“Well, if you would let me explain, then I wouldn’t be wasting my time here” I said sighing.

“Pfft! I don’t wana hear you sorry ass lie! What, you're gonna tell my you’re his girlfriend now?” her glare hardened, and I was thoroughly speechless.

“Eww. why the hell would I be Sasuke’s girlfriend?” I shuddered at the thought. She stared at me like I had grown another head.

“Cause he’s like the greatest person on earth! Duh!” she boasted.

I snorted, “No, he is not”

“Yes he is!!” she said getting in my face.

I calmly pushed her head back a good two feet. “Seriously, I’m not going to argue with you”

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