Band Rejected!

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Chapter 18


"Wait up, Akira!" I heard from behind me as I was walking back to class from a 'bathroom break'.

"Who're you?" I asked turning around.

"student council president, Daiki Arata" he said bowing, I raised an eyebrow.

"And what do you want with boring old me?" I asked, obviously bored.

"We need entertainment for the back to school dance" he said, I licked my lips for no absolute reason.

"Okay? And that concerns me why?" I ask.

"We need your junior A-list for this job" he said leaning on a wall and I'm guessing trying to look cool.

"And you think we could do that" I said looking deep in thought.

He nodded, looking determined.

"No" I said and started walking back to class.

"Wait, you have to!" he said.

I chuckled lightly, "I don't have to do anything" I said calmly though my face said a whole different thing. I cracked my knuckles because they felt stiff and he froze, (probably think I was going to beat his ass)

He backed away slowly and I smirked. "I'm not going to hurt you, if that's what you're thinking" I said and turned around heading for class.

"But please, just for this one" he begged.

I raised an eyebrow, "What do we have to do?" I asked, he eyes sparkled even though there was no reflecting in it.

"Just sing, and the regulars" he said, my eye twitched. (I haven't sung since...) he turned around walking back, I grabbed his collar.

"I think you're going a bit ahead of yourself, I never said I would do it, I just asked what we had to do" I said and realization dawned on his face. I smirked.

"Look I really need someone to sing and I defiantly don't want Sakura or Ino that's for sure" he said.

My smirk grew wider. "I'll work it out with the rest and get back to you ASAP, k?" I asked and walked away.

He was grinning from ear to ear and ran all the way to class all because of me!

Aren't I awesome?

~Study Hall~

"Sakura and Ino hate you now Eiko" I said biting a French fry.

"Why? Not like I care" she said eyeing naruto who was breathing down bowl after bowl of ramen.

"They think you like him and therefore on their part that's 'dangerous'" I said rolling my eyes, and looked at naruto and suddenly lost my appetite.

"Naruto, have some manners" I said and he looked up and scratched his head nervously.

"Akira you are excused out of class" Daiki, or whatever his name was, said coming up beside me.

I sighed and got up, "what do want Daiki?" I ask as the group and the rest of the class watched.

He walked to the door and I reluctantly followed. He stepped out and so did I, "did you talk to them about it?" he asked eagerly.

"Jeez will you hold on?" I asked leaning on a wall.

"Fine you can ask them now then" I raised an eyebrow while he stepped back in and came out with the group.

"Oh and go get Temari and Hinata" I said, he sighed and went.

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