What a waste of time -_-

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Chapter 57


Nonexistent wind flew everywhere as I ran following behind Shikamaru and the other Sasuke Rescue crew.

Why I had to do this, I don’t know. But I just want to get this over with so I can go home and take a nice long nap.

I knew today was going to be a long day

Anyway, I walked through this village-like place, looking for Sasuke.

Geez, he could not have gotten so far in less than five minutes.

I sigh and keep walking, stopping every few minutes to look at the many stands selling food.

This is soo boring


“I can’t believe I can’t use my phone. That is soo not fair!!” Exclaims Eiko, stomping her foot in anger.

“Life’s not fair Eiko” I say calmly following her on Sasuke’s trail.

“’life’s not fair’ geez, I hate the quote” she frowns for a moment.

“What happened?” I ask, also frowning.

“I lost his trail, I don't know what happened” she says frantically.

“What do you mean you lost his trail?!” I ask, also frantic.

“I don't know” she says searching the area.

“Oh how nice” I say sarcastically.

She glares at me, “this is not the time to be sarcastic”

“Fine, no need to be a b-word about it” I say crossing my arms across my chest.

“I'm not being a b-word about anything!” she exclaims before groaning and returning to her ‘awesome’ tracking.

I sighed and wondered what Kiba was doing right now.

“Yes! I found it!” Eiko exclaims, jumping everywhere. I just rolled my eyes and followed her on Sasuke’s trail.

We were now running through many paper trees, and me, being an easily bored person, I was quickly bored, obviously.

Anyway, we went on and on, with me getting more and more bored by the minute.

Ugh this is such a waste of time

I ran along with her until she stopped,

“What now?” I asked, now completely and utterly bored out of my sorry mind.

“…” she says nothing, just looks around everywhere, biting her lip

Oh God, “please, don't tell me we’re lost” I say with wide eyes.

“Ok” she says all too quickly.

“Oh em gee, Eiko!”

What a waste of time!! -_-

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