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Chapter 47


“Akira, don’t forget we have dance practice” Eiko’s voice rang through the house, disturbing me of much needed sleep.

“Eiko, its Sunday! We don’t have dance on Sunday!” I yelled back at her.

Great, now I would never get my nap.

I sighed and sat up, looking at the time. 11:41am.

Not bad.

I yawned and headed to my bathroom.

After I took a nice long shower, I got dressed in Kute Kasuals, aka khaki boy shorts, with layered tank tops tucked in and held with a nice belt, nice and warm black jacket with rolled up sleeves, and flip-flops, I also put my hair in a high ponytail w/ loose strands of my hair in my face, and headed downstairs where Eiko was waiting tapping her foot impatiently.

“Do you know how many dance practices you have missed throughout the whole year?” she screamed in my face.

I sighed, “Yes, Eiko, I know, from the coma, and such, then now for the whole week, right?” I stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets and walked by her.

“And where do you think you’re going?” she asks, I stopped walking to the door and turned around to face her.

“To watch a movie” I said simply, her eye started twitching uncontrollably,

“Um, Eiko, your eye’s twitching” I said blinking.

“I know that!” she said and sighed dramatically.



“Follow me” she said taking many turns, before finally coming to a stop at a river.

“We can stay here” she said and sat down.

“I’ll go look for fire wood” I said and set out to search.

I got a lot of logs and went back.

I found that she had caught fish from the river.

I quickly made a fire and we cooked the fish, she wanted sushi, but 1. We didn’t have the proper tools and 2. I didn’t want it.

She kept complaining the whole time the fish was cooking.

I sighed and poked one of them with a stick a few times.

“Do you know what day it is?” I asked suddenly.

“Huh? Oh it’s Saturday” I nodded in understanding.

Good I wasn’t asleep for that long, but why isn’t Akamaru here?

We camped out by the river after successfully losing the guards.

All Suki had was blankets so it was really uncomfortable.

“Why were you asking what I would like to look like?” I asked remembering what she said the day before when we were running from the guards, she suddenly looked uncomfortable and nervous.

“Uh, well, you see, it’s a long story”

I smirked, “I have time” she sighed, knowing she’d been caught.

“Alright, but you have to promise not to tell anybody, not a soul!” she said dramatically.

“I promise” I said honestly, she sighed again.

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