Taking a Break

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Chapter 36


I sighed as I stared at my ceiling, thinking about yesterday.

Did that really happen?

I asked myself, I felt a tear slide down my face.

“I’m getting soft” I murmured sadly.

I sat up slowly and tossed my legs over the side of the bed, sliding them into my fluffy lilac bed slippers.

I wiped my tear and entered my bathroom.

I stretched and yawned.

I’ll just do what I always do to boyfriends that do that to me…but, Kiba, is, was my best friend, I sighed once again,

“this is gonna hurt” I said and lowered myself into the bathtub, filled with nice warm soapy water, lowering my head slowly underwater.


I left my room, checking the hallway first.

When I made sure it was clear, I came out of my room fully.

All I have to do now is reach the door.

I was about 3 feet from the door when it opened.

I froze as I saw who came in. Inuzuka Kiba.

“Akira!” He said relieved and hugged me, I stayed frozen, just so you know.

When I fully regained my conscience, I forcefully pushed him away.

“Kira-chan, what’s wrong?” he looked at me concerned; I almost gave in but quickly regained my composure.

“Don’t play that game with me! You know damn right what’s wrong with me!!” I said glaring at him, with sharingan.

He looked at me completely and utterly shocked, and he was still shocked when I started crying and when I ran out the door, slamming it in the process.

“Ugh!” I growled as I punched the seat.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and started the car, backing away from the drive way, and driving off in the direction of Sunagakure.

~An Hour Later~

“stupid Kiba, first cheating then pretending like it’s okay between us” I growled and pulled up to the Medium sized Uchiha cottage I stayed at when I went to school here, aka where I met the sand sibs, and my all time bestie Sora, she was there when the Uchiha clan was murdered by Itachi.

She always cheered me up.

For the rest of the day I made a few phone calls and got everything ready for the week.

After I was done with all that I went to my old room, where so many memories were.

I smiled remembering when me and my old friends, including Sora, had all sorts of fun, playing truth or dare, that’s where I found out Sora liked Gaara.


Good times, good times.


I heard a loud slamming sound, and looked up from the book I was reading; A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Grim Grotto.

I closed the book, making sure to put my book mark there and calmly walked to the living room; I raised an eyebrow when I found Kiba standing there like a frozen statue.

His hand was to his face and he was exceedingly pale.

“You okay there, Kiba??” I asked knowing full well that he was not okay.

I sighed and pulled him, with difficulty, to the couch, he sat down, still obviously shocked about something.

I thought about it and slapped him, but unfortunately it only made it worse.

After think about what to do for a few minutes, I got an idea, I whistled loudly toward Akamaru’s personal room for whenever he came,

“Akamaru, Here boy!” The huge white dog bounded over and glomped me licking my face,

“Not me Akamaru, him!” I said pointing at Kiba, Akamaru stopped licking my face and jumped on Kiba quickly snapped out of his trance, recognizing the big ball of fur on top of him, he laughed and started playing with Akamaru, forgetting about whatever he was worried about in the first place.

I kinda didn’t want to, but I sorta had to, so I did.

I ended up finding out that he didn’t remember anything from the past few days, and all of a sudden Akira was mad at him.


Why am I stuck in the middle of this?

I have better things to do you know.

Like read I totally useless book.

Ahh who am I kidding, Akira could be anywhere, and it is not a good thing when she’s mad.

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