A week in Suna: Day 4

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Chapter 42


I yawned and tried to stretch, but my arm hit the roof of my car, I sat up and noticed that I somehow had a blanket over me.


Maybe it was Sora, and she cooled down and forgave me.


I highly doubt that.

I got out of the car and fully stretched, doing a few back flips, just to loosen my muscles a bit.

I breathed in and out very slowly, for no reason whatsoever, and got in the car again, this time at the driver’s seat; I rested my head against the steering wheel for a while before starting the car and driving off, out of the gates and back to the Uchiha cottage.

I sighed as I entered and went to take a shower.

After my usual morning routine, I headed back outside and to my car.

I started it once again and headed out.

To the mall!!


“Mom, you obviously don’t understand, she freaking stole Gaara away from me, now Gaara likes her and not me!!” released a large breath and crossed my arms over my chest, my mom frowned

“I’m sure it’s not what it seems, Sora, just give her a chance to explain” she said calmly, how can she be so calm about this.

“I already gave her a chance but it seems she doesn’t trust me!!” I said about to cry.

My mom looked uncomfortable, “Sora, dear, if I know Akira well enough, I know that she doesn’t do anything without a good reason. That’s just how she is, and I know you know that, Sora” I looked away still crossing my arms,

“humph” my mom hugged me tight,

“you must really like this Gaara boy” she said quietly,

“he wasmy first friend here, mom, everybody hated him, except me, I didn’t see anything to hate about him” I said quietly, almost inaudible.

“If he was, no is, your best friend, then I highly doubt he would do that to you” she said, I sniffed.

“Yea right, everyone always likes Akira, it’s not fair. When she first came here, she got popular in an hour, maybe it was the way she walked or talked, or even acted, I don’t know, but she changed, she not the same, Okaa-san” I said and hugged her tighter.


“Let’s see, hmm, should I get this one?” I murmured to myself, looking at different kinds of charms, for a charm bracelet. I sighed as my phone vibrated in my back pocket.

“Moshi moshi?” I said into the phone, not really paying attention.

“Akira!!! I’m bored” my eye twitched,

“Eiko? Why are you calling me?” I asked ignoring her comment,

“Like I said, I’m bored” she said, I sighed dramatically,

“Look, I’m busy right now, go find a job or something” I said and hung up before she could answer.

“I’ll get this one” I said to myself, and picked up a charm that said ‘best’ and I also grabbed on that said ‘friend’ I smiled in satisfaction, paid for them, and exited the store, inside the mall.

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