Spring Fling

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 Chapter 60



“Akira, wake up” I shook her a few times. She just rolled over stuffing her pillow in her pretty face.

I smirk and start tickling her; she groans, “stop…” she squirms a little then stops.

I stop and sigh. Well, that didn’t work.

I smirk again as I get another idea, I climb onto her bed, shaking it as much as possible. She didn’t budge. I grinned and sat on her back, causing her to groan.

“Ow…get off” she says silently, squirming under me.

“Not until you wake up” I feel like I'm gonna break her…

“I can’t breathe” she exclaims squirming some more.

“Well, then, maybe you should wake up” I said ignoring the fact that she was already awake.

I shifted on her, causing her to squawk, I laughed and got off.

She sat up immediately, taking deep breaths while holding her stomach.

My eyes unintentionally trail down to her pajamas, which was very - very short and almost see-through.

While I was resisting the urge to touch her, she was glaring at me, “you had better run” I blink and dash out the room just as she jumps off the bed to chase me.

“Akira!!!” I'm guessing she got tackled because I hear a crash, a loud “Eiko!” and a squeal.

I chuckled lightly.

I head and huff just as Akira walked into me, I smirked and held her in place, “you know you should really watch where you're going” I say smoothly.

She rolls her eyes at me and tries to pull away, but I only hold tighter, I take my right hand from her slim waist and place it under her chin, tilting it up making it more convenient to kiss her.

I leaned down into her and captured her lips with mine, my hand moved from her chin to her neck, as my other arm tightened around her waist, bringing her closer to me. I gently eased her mouth from its closed state, her hands moved up my chest and around my neck, pressing us even closer to each other, if that’s even possible.

Suddenly I felt my head hit the wall, hard, causing me to bite my tongue and for Akira to pull away and glare at Sasuke, who was probably to blame.

“Akira, get dressed” she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

“Whatever Sasuke” she says pulling away from me to shake her butt at Sasuke. I seriously had to fight myself not to do something naughty.

Me and Sasuke look at each other for a second before decided to do something. I walked over to her and grabbed her waist, stopping movement. I walked her to her room, and opened the door for her, “you do not know how tempting you are” I whisper before closing the door behind her, once she was safely in her room.


I'm tempting?!

I look back at the closed door and shake my head, he obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about; I am soo not tempting.

I walk into my bathroom and look in my floor-length mirror, realizing I was wearing my really short PJs.

I just shrug and start my morning routine.

After that, I walk out to the living room for breakfast of coco puffs my favorite cereal, mainly because I don't eat it with milk.


“Akira, are you ready yet?!” I roll my eyes and sigh, slipping on my heels, before opening the door to a crack, mainly so Kiba wouldn’t be able to see me yet.

Alright, I’ll admit, I am nervous; I don't know how he’ll react. This is not exactly my best dress.

You're wondering what's going on, right?

Well if you haven’t guessed by the title, it’s the day of the long awaited spring fling.

I walked out of my closet to find Kiba going through my dresser.

Kiba, what're you doing?” I ask catching him off guard.

He turns around, and completely freezes, staring at me. I sigh, thinking it was because he was caught, and didn’t know what to say.

I close the drawer and wave my hand in his face, “Kiba” he blinks a few times, coming back to his senses.

“You went off on me” I say taking in his fancy but not too fancy suit.

He takes a deep breath and takes my hand, “well, now that you're ready, let’s go” he says pulling me toward the door.

“Wait, Kiba, do you like my dress?” I ask twirling as he watches, dazed.

He shakes his head and my face falls, “you don't? I was hoping you would…” I said quietly.

His eyes widened in realization, “No! It’s beautiful, you're beautiful” he says quickly, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

I smile and hug him, “glad you like it”

“Come on, let’s go” he whispers, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me with him, out the door and into the living room with the rest.

We all pile into the limo and head to KHS for the Spring Fling.


We enter the dance just as a slow song came on; Kiba, surprisingly, pulls me to the dance floor with him.

I place one hand on his shoulder; while the other is safely held in his; his other hand was around my waist as we started swaying silently to the music.

He took a deep breath; “Akira, I need to tell you something”

I look up at him. “What is it?”

“More like a question” he says, talking quickly. Is he nervous?

“Ok, ask away” I smile up at him.

“Uh, what would you say if I told you that someone loves you” I raise an eyebrow at his weird out nowhere question.

“Uh, I would say, okay?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ok, then what if I told you that he’s loved you for a while now?” he asked, still talking quickly.

“Well, at least we’ve established that it’s a ‘he’” I said grinning

He looked at me weirdly, hey at least he’s looking at me, “you thought it was a she?”

“Hey, you never know” I said shrugging.

He chuckled lightly; at least I got some of the tension out.

“Seriously, Akira, What if I told you that all he wants to do is be with you, touch you, kiss you…” he trails off. You know, I'm starting to think he loves me. But I decide to play along.

“Wow, I thought only Sasuke had stalkers” I say shaking my head.

He goes real quiet; I can actually hear the music.

Kiba, what's wrong? It’s not like it’s you” I say and wait for his answer.

He says something I couldn’t really hear, “what? It sounded like you just said, you love me” I say looking at him expectantly.

“But I do” he murmurs.


He sighs, “I love you, Akira”

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