My date for the dance ;)

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Chapter 16


~A Month Later~

"Uchiha-san what is the answer to the question" Asuma-sensei asked.

I kept staring blankly out the window, "25" I said, I heard gasps in the room.

"she didn’t even look at the problem" some guy said.

"she so smart" another guy said, probably a fan-boy, I sweatdropped.

"that’s correct" Asuma-sensei said.

I sighed, I only had Shikamaru in this class, who was always asleep, and Asuma-sensei never says anything to him about it though. And as you can guess this is advanced math, or Calculus.

Now you’re probably wondering why I seem so sad-like, well truth is, I’m not, just very calm which is 'unusual' for me now, although I’m still the sarcastic bitch that makes everyone mad, especially Sasuke.

Finally the class ended and everyone shot out of the room and Kiba waited outside the class like every day, I got on his back like always and carried me to class.

"so how was class?" he asked when we got to our next class, I raised an eyebrow, in that 'seriously?' look.

"what? I was just asking" he said defending himself.

I smiled. "it was boring as always" I said entering our next class.

"I can’t believe we have science right before lunch" I said for the millionth, or maybe more, time throughout the whole year.

"you say that everyday" Eiko said.

Eiko and Sasuke got closer, like ALOT closer, I don’t know what they’re doing but I hope it’s no something bad but then again, if they get married, Eiko would be my sister-in-law, Yay!

Sakura and Ino hate Eiko now, but they never mess with her cause I’m always with her, we have all her classes except for 6th, and they don’t have 6th with her Sasuke does, ha!

~Study Hall 7th Period~

I was once again on Kiba’s back heading to the only class all of us had together, study hall, it my favorite class because I would always bring something to eat from cooking class, my super easy A, and all the other students in class would stare at us envying what we had.

Today we had chips and dip, but the thing about this class that makes it so fun is the Kakashi-sensei doesn’t care what we do as long as we let him read, awesome huh? He also lets us eat in class if we promise not to spill anything and if we give him some food. He’s like my favorite teacher.

We sat in our normal spot, I gave kakashi some chips and dip like every other day, but instead today he stood in front of the class without his book.

"alright class, I am permitted to tell you all that the school will be holding a back to school dance in one week, so get ready for that" he said and took out his book and started reading.

For the rest of class all anyone could talk about was the back to school dance. Sasuke and everyone at that table who had fans were not so happy about it. Finally Tsunade-sama dismissed everyone and we darted out the class throwing out the unwanted trash.

Kiba had to go home right away for something so I couldn’t ride on his back, too bad. Mom and Dad gave Sasuke a car like a few weeks ago and I was supposed to get mine but I don’t know when or what type of car it will be so I was just wandering around the usual place for Jeff to show up, Eiko went with Sasuke, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"yes?" I turned around to a beautiful pale-ish face smirking at me, now I don’t normally go into a daze over something so little as a guy, but I remember going into one when I first met Kiba.

he must’ve noticed my trance stage because he smirked at me.

"waiting for a ride?" he asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"uhh, yea" I looked around, where the hell is Jeff!?

Just then I got a text msg. it was from Sasuke, wait a min. Sasuke never texts me.

Sasuke: Jeff is already there waiting for you.

me: where??

Sasuke:in the parking lot -_-

me: ok thanx btw how’re you an Eiko doing??

Sasuke: I don’t have to answer that

me: yes you do, cause you like her *kissy face*

Sasuke: Sasuke Uchiha is not available at the moment please try again later.

I started laughing, he shut off his phone.

"you have a nice laugh" the guy behind me commented.

"thanx but I still don’t know you" I said walking to the parking lot with him following.

"I’m Daichi Atsushi" he said. I arrived at a jet black Lamborghini.

Daichi stared as Jeff handed me the keys and drove off in the limo, I unlocked it and entered.

I opened the top, and looked at Daichi, "god I love my parents" I said grinning.

"so I’ll see you tomorrow?" he asked me.

"sure" I said and started the car with a low vroom!

"hey you wana go to the dance with me?" he asked.

"eh sure why not" I said and drove away holding up a peace sign.

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