Back to Konoha

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Chapter 44


I’m sad that I have to leave, but if I don’t I’m pretty sure Rose would come and get me, or probably send Eiko to come get me.

But if I know one thing, it’s that I’ll most likely, if not 100% chance, see Kiba there, and boy was I right.

I quietly got out of my car and entered the mansion as quietly as I could.

I tiptoed into the kitchen, I breathed out when I saw no one was there.

I opened the fridge, taking out some eggs, turkey bacon, and pancake mix (from the cabinet), and started making breakfast, I knew I probably should’ve gotten some sleep, but I decided to do this because I didn’t say goodbye, so I’m just doing this to make it up to them.



After I had finished making breakfast for the gang, I smiled at my awesome masterpiece and rested my head on the counter for a bit, I was getting a headache.

I hated when I got headaches. I groaned and lifted my head off the counter seeing as it didn’t help putting it there in the first place.


I quietly trudged up the stairs and entered my room, I immediately collapsed on my bed, kicking off my shoes in the process, and proceeded into my deep sleep.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” I jumped off the bed landing hard on my butt;

“Ow” I murmured rubbing the slightly sore spot.

And before I could comprehend what was going on, I was being squeezed to death by a brown blob.

“Eiko, get off!” she grinned sheepishly and let go.

“I’m so glad you’re back, OMG, you don’t know how boring it was here without you” she said and took a deep breath, and grinned.

I raised an eyebrow and stood up straight. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

“You okay?” Eiko asked staring concerned.

“Yeah” I said quietly, heading to my bathroom.


I sighed and smiled at my reflection.

I had my hair in a high ponytail; I wore a black shirt that said ‘I’m your worst nightmare’ in red bloody letters, nicely tucked into black designer skinny jeans, under black fur boots with 2 balls of hanging off a string, on each. I slipped on a pair of black loop earrings, and matching bangles.

I quickly did my makeup, using small proportions, aka, clear lip-gloss, mascara, and thin eyeliner.

I slid down the banister, grinning and landed safely on my feet.

“Show-off” Eiko said devouring her pancakes.

“Great pancakes, by the way” I rolled my eye and smiled.

“Akira…” I turned around only to be met face to face with, the one person I did not want to see, Kiba.


She was back, she was finally back, and she didn’t even look like she missed me at all, and most of all, I STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT I DID!!!

Everyone keeps saying that I cheated, but I don’t remember cheating at all, just blank, but she wouldn’t let me explain.

“Kiba” she said nodding in my direction before walking away.

Oh no, I wasn’t letting her walk away again.

I quickly grabbed her arm; she looked surprised as her back hit my chest.

She yanked her arm away, and stepped away from me, I was about to reach out again when she turned around, glaring.

“What do you want, Kiba” I flinched, the way she said my name, full of hatred.

“I want to explain” I said bluntly, she smirked sadly, I blinked, clearly surprised.

“What’s there to explain?” she looks down, I was silent, “well, if you must, go ahead, shoot, explain” I grinned as she stared, she was gonna explain everything, great!

“Let’s go outside for more privacy” she said staring at Eiko, who was grinning sheepishly.

I followed as she walked outside, “ok, shoot” the way she stared up at me, I couldn’t control myself, I had to, I missed her too much.


What the hell?!

I told him to explain not to kiss me!!

Ok, I’ll admit it, I did miss his kisses, but that doesn’t mean he can kiss me whenever he feels like it.

I obviously wasn’t thinking when I slapped him, but hey, he soo deserved it!

My hands stayed to my lips.

His face was slightly turned to my left, and I could see a faint red handprint where I had slapped him.

His eyes were wide and shocked, as was mine, but I regained my composure faster than him.

“What the hell, Kiba! I said to explain not to freaking, ugh! Why don’t you just go to your little slut! Man-whore!!!” I glared hard at him.

Alright, I’ll admit it, I went too far.

Tears welled up in my eyes at his hurt face, and once again I ran away.

And he didn’t even try to come after me.

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