Chapter 27 Why me..?

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Lmao bruh my modules kept stacking and guess whos sleep schedule went wack again :DDD have a summer Perdita

Perdita's POV

"what is he doing here!? The others made sure our traces looked like we were still in Mistral!" I told Mercury as we ran ourselves to the dorms

" I don't know, that's why were gonna tell the others " He said then I sensed a familiar Aura nearby making me push Mercury to take the stairs

"I'll be right behind you" I said then walked to the familiar aura

"You better be" I heard him say

" Professor Goodwitch--! Ah--headmaster Ozpin and Headmaster Ironwood sir--" I said pretending to pant as their attention shifts to me in worry

" Ms.Black What seems to be the issue that made you run at the halls" Professor Goodwitch asks me

"There's a man and a Huntress fighting in the courtyard! It could have be a big issue since he also destroyed some Robots Atlas bought in! " I said describing it as much as I could then Headmaster Ozpin sighed while the other two looked mad

"I see.. Thank you Ms. Black we'll attend the issue right away, I say you should rest up as well the festival might have been tiring for you" Headmaster Ozpin told me with a smile then we went to separate ways and I entered the elevator and rested my head to the wall

"that should keep him busy for now... If he found out that we're here then the plan would be in trouble.. Other than that i--" I stopped thinking about Brawnwen when my head started hurting making me hear rings

"Hey there kiddo--  woah no no heh your dads gonna kill me if he sees you out there" I tried to crawl out the door but a man with red cape picked me away the door

"Hey Uncle Qrow bet Ruby can say your name now! She just started talking! " I hear a energetic girl who's face like the The woman I saw also blurred

"Oh yeah??--"

The sound of the elevator ring made me snap out of it, I rubbed the temple of my head as I feel the pain not going away, I decided I'm gonna force myself to shake it off then I knocked the door and Mercury opened who sighed in relief

" Good, your here... now Mercury are you sure? " Cinder asked as me and Mercury pulled a chair to sit down

"Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like our dad after a long day. It was him" he said

"What do we do? " Emerald asked

"Nothing. We stay the course, They have no idea who we are, so we have no reason to to worry. " Cinder says with a cocky grin

'no I'm pretty sure the man got the three of your descriptions that he could share, but yet with the student information we have from Lionheart it has to be enough to serve as our cover if they decide to look at out background' I thought

"Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend." Cinder said then walked close to me to pick up her scroll then looked at the Virus she planted that night

"Ah, speaking of which, it appears we have a new access point." Cinder says

"anywhere good? " emerald asks then i looked over

"the stationed robots, the stationed guns, the stationed ships, if we could get the General place his scroll to some technology we could get a hold to what he has" I said then Cinder smiled

"hmm.. Go to your rooms. I'll prepare everything for tomorrow. " Cinder excused us

"Got it/Yes maam/Aight" we said at the same time then I saw Cinder mess with the versus mechanics and smiled then I close the door

"hey Em do you somehow got a medicine for headaches?" I asked then she turned to me

" Nope they are annoyingingly expensive for a medicine, don't you have better Aura control than any of us? " she reminded me

"ugh... Yeah but I really don't like this not going away" I bonk my head repeatingly and Mercury stops me

" Then go get some rest you've been using your big forehead too much the light of the sun could reflect it" Mercury joked about how I move my bangs to the back of my ears when it gets hot

" I think I'm not gonna get any time sooner..." I said massaging my face preparing a smile

"why?" Emerald looked at me weird the the doorbell rings showing my team and Nora gasped

" PERDITA!!! " she tackled me like for dear life and I saw Mercury pray for the brother for my soul in peace, WHEN WAS HE RELIGIOUS?!

" Hey... guys..." I waved dizzy and Ren helped me up

"Hey uh I'm afraid we haven't met yet,  I'm Jaune team JNPPR's leader " Jaune said handshake to Mercury

" Sup I'm Mercury that big brains big brother and this is my Teammate Emerald. " he handshakes Emerald waves and Phyrra waved of back

"did your team just had 3 members that Perdita had to cover for the festival? " Phyrra asked then I swear i think Emerald is dying inside by smiling to much

"no we have a 4th member, they were just busy on the last minute and so we heard someone at Beacon had a 5 man team, Luckily it was Perdita because we go way back at Mistral" Emerald said in the most happy way its weird

" well we two should head to our rooms we won't know if it's gonna be our turns in the first rounds" Mercury says

" You sure? We're just about to cook up some victory pancakes and I can tell you Ren makes the best pancakes" Nora invited them

" Thanks but we already had alot while roaming around the festival, Have fun! " Emerald said then they entered the elevator

"well Theyre...nice..?" Jaune said and I chuckled

"I'm not telling them that if I get to have 3 pancakes..By the way you guys were awesome! " I said then Nora tackled me

" But where were you!!?? We played around the game stalls!! We didnt win though but they were fun! " Nora said while we walked to our dorms and we can hear Weiss loudly talking to who we don't know whoever is in the dorm with her

"I'm pretty sure it was made so we can spend our Liens and not win anything... " Ren said and I couldn't imagine if they had to control Nora spending the Liens so she could win something

" must be a rough day.. " I said then flopped on my bed massaging my head

"and should be rewarded as must be" Phyrra said sitting next to me

"By the way whose going for your teams Doubles round? " Jaune asked me

"uhmmm... " I thought

The Next Day ✨

"The randomization is complete!! Ladies and Gentlemen, your doubles tournament Line-up!!" Professor Port announces as I face Coco and Yatsuhashi with Mercury next to me and sighed

"why me... " I asked the Gods


lmfao I'm somehow not dead from getting sick for the 99999th time :DDDDD

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