Chapter 35 This Is How We Say Goodbye

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Mercury went to stay in the bullhead and go to Amity Arena to make sure no one stops it, as secretive the semblance and the robotic existence of Penny is it doesn't mean that no one can put a stop to it and make a cover up for the discontinuation of the battle

This was now the final part of the mission.

As for me

Trying to get off a familiar aura off our backs...

At first it was difficult to point out in the crowd when I entered the city when I wondered that why it didn't leave to notify the others meaning it hadn't seen Mercury atleast,

"Qrow Branwen..." I said under my tone while placing my hands to my pockets refusing to turn around, speed walking my way through this alleyway that felt like forever

This is feeling like the sisters all over again but worst when at the same time this man is our main enemy! If he leaves I'll have no choice but to confront him and kill him!

"Omf-!" I accidentally hit someone after being lost in my thoughts and before I fell they grabbed me from my arm

"Ahaha... Thanks alot, I should have watched where I was going..." I looked up to the man that helped me and his sillouette loomed over me as I recognized who he was

There was no doubt that this man was my Father...

"Sir...I already said im sorry for bumping into you" I said trying to pry my arm from his grip until he bought me in to a hug then I gasped

I couldn't hear him say any words that would have made sense under than him trying to mutter out the name Sangria in a broken tone

His hold on me was strong but gentle at the same time as if it's telling me to not go even my hands slowly started to move to hug him back

Sinking into the hug made the pain that also applied in seeing him felt something that I could ignore for once

The flaming sensation on my scars felt cold, the gripping pain on my head felt light as if im floating, it somehow felt like peace...

It feels suffocating.

"Im sorry... I know this is all confusing.. This shouldn't have been how our first encounter went-" Taiyang kneeled infront of me trying to get himself together

"It's alright sir.. But I still believe that you mistook me for the wrong person and then you started to get upset.. I didn't have the heart to tell you that..." I nervously chuckled and and rubbed the back of my hair

Seeing him infront of me gets on my nerves!How could he miss me after abandoning me to someone like that Monster that me and Mercury had to endure!?

"Well seeing you be alright I should be on my way-" I walked pass him to go on,

"Sangria please!" He called out so loud making other people look our way and I sighed

"Mister.. I think that you got the wrong person-" He cut me off

"I don't! There is so much things that I need to tell you! I understand that all of these are confusing but you are well- were! Sangria Rose! It's me- don't you atleast remember? I'm-........ I am your father..." He was more of a broken man from how I pictured him as he slowly wanted to walk closer as if im an animal trying to escape

Don't get emotional....
What made him think all of these was okay? Father said that this man sold me off because I was no longer wanted! And now they come to me with a fabricated story that I was stolen by a grimm!!

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