Chapter 51 Cold Welcome

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"This is all a dream... Right just a dream... Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream!" Sangria later stopped closing her eyes, and everyone waited in silence,

Then she opened her eyes looking around that slowly her expression shifted into a hopeless one.

"...She's.... gone...." Oscar looked at the ground in shock while Nora placed her hand on his shoulder, knowing how much of a toll this took on him

"She can't just disappear just like that?! Right? She's also in your head like with Ozpin!" Nora tried to reason, but Oscar shook his head into no

"What happened to Oscar wasn't similar to what happened to Perdita... Shes..." Blake sighed, not knowing what to feel about it,

But seeing Yang and Ruby confused and completely lost at this even when this was what they've hoped for...

She believes that they are now more scared of having their sister back into this mess...

" What Jin had said... Being presented in trust and love Perdita Black the Protector will disappear..." Weiss looked at Sangria, who was still completely lost

"...Hey kiddo... What do you last remember?" Qrow was careful but was painfully hurt inside, To be all honest, he never knew what to do on this situation even after he heard what Jin told them

Ruby, Yang, and Qrow doesn't want to admit it completely, but Perdita was right about Sangria being in more danger as.... well,


"... I went to bed early because I was mad that Dad wouldn't bring me to the Academy with you  guys, because I wanted to start with Ruby...I'm not in trouble am I.??? Im still sorry I shut the door like that I-im sorry!" Sangria stopped when Qrow leaned back in realization

" That was the night before you-..." Yang stopped herself

"Before I what?... Yang...?" Sangria was completely at lost but sighed in relief atleast when Yang hugged her close but she didn't know why desperately tight.

"Something is wrong..." Weiss said, getting everyone's attention,

"Weiss?" Ruby asks her when she looked out front and, Ruby wanted to see what was wrong but felt Sangria hold her hand,

Sangria looked at her as if she was saying, not wanting to leave.

"Just stay here Sangria, alright?" Yang said as all of them except for her moved at the cockpit

"What's wrong? Where are we going?" They hear Sangria ask innocently, honestly quite horrifying to get used to since Perdita doesn't act as innocently like this.

"I know that our military has been drawn back, but this looks way different than usual..." Weiss observed and Qrow looked out closely

"It's as if they've been expecting us, not in a good way..."He says

"Who has? Wait- What not NOT in a good way-!WHERE ARE WE?!" Sangria scootched over the others trying to see what they were looking at only to be surprised at the amount of ships she never had seen before and the floating island.

"Manta 5.1, welcome home...Please resume to landing port 12, a security team will meet you there. Over. " The radio speaks up

"If we land, it'll be a straight ambush since they know that this is a stolen aircraft...talking to Ironwood will be harder if they aren't bringing us straight to him." Qrow informs the others

"Then what can we do?" Oscar looks at Ruby that was behind Sangria and she thought he was asking her, making him look away

"I dont know..." Ruby mutters and Sangria turns to her sister

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