Chapter 37 Monsella Tulip

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It had been months since the fall of Beacon.

During that time when I had walked towards the meeting site Mercury had found me on the distance and caught me before I fell
When I had woken up I was surrounded by to what seemed to be a castle that aged poorly with candles lighting the room, and Cinder in a critical state being treated by a Gigantic woman with white skin and red veins wearing a black dress
She introduced herself as Salem, the one that Cinder works for and before she could ask about her brother she had asked her a question
If did she kill Ozpin?
She said yes and the Queen looked down at her then hummed impressed and asked if did she ask for anything for her great work
Perdita looks down completely lost in thought then looks at Cinder that was currently getting half of her body replaced by Grimm
Perdita then asked if she could work for Salem directly than simply being Cinders minion
Salem then walked infront of her and Perdita hurried up and kneeled on the ground for her sweating as it felt like was the most reasonable thing to do in her situation
She could not stop constantly hearing the beating of her heart until Salem had asked her to get up by offering a hand
"You had proved yourself very worthy... Even for such a young girl such as yourself..." Salem had moved her other hand to place it to Perdita cheek
"Do not...Disappoint me..." She said Sternly
"I wont maam..."


----------time skip-----------

Me, Emerald, and Mercury looked outside the window of the castle seeing the pools where Grimms slowly crawls its way out and then go to the distant Kingdoms

The Castle felt like it was from a different planet even by looking far, there was no life to be seen other than darkness and the red sky.

The snap from Cinder caught us back into reality and we walked towards the long table with faces that we have now known for the past days

Dr. Arthur Watts, the man who was responsible for the devices that made the mission into taking Beacon down with ease by creating a virus,

Hazel Rainart, He's the safest one to be around on and had expressed that I shouldn't have had joined their cause being the youngest one around to be on their ranks,

Tyrian Callows, His loyalty is undoubtedly the strongest visible one that its seen as an addiction with his dangerous and chaotic nature,

It felt uncomfortable to move a chair and sit on it next to Cinder and Mercury saw this and stood between us while Emerald stood next to Cinder accidentally moving Mercury aside playfully but we were both too paranoid to think of it as a joke,

"Yes yes please keep your.... Posse in check" Watts said looking at Mercury who me and Emerald had to hold back

"You hear that? Silence, I have to might thank the girl who bested you... It seems that it runs by blood I presume" Watts looked at me and I showed my red eyes as he very well knows what im capable of but then stopped seeing that in the corner of my eye Cinder looks at me in anger

"If I were you I'd hunt her down... Find her and-! Well, she took your eye didn't she???" Tyrian laughs midsentence and me and Mercury looked at each other as he began to laugh maniacally

"Em" I called for Emerald seeing as Cinder tries to speak but failing and then turned to Emerald who leaned to interpret her words

"Pathetic, why did you even-" Watts was cut off with the door being cranked open and it took me days to master the faint flow of Aura... To what she said was called Mana in her days made me understand the unknown flow within Ozpin that I could have never pointed out

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