Chapter 21 Train to the City

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Lmao its been so long since i drew something digital

Perdita's POV

I was about to knock Mercury's door but he opened it up instead with a 'knew it' expression and I sighed but I also sensed Cinder and Emerald so I went in

"excuse me Ma'am? " I asked and she turns to me from looking in the scroll

"is there a problem?" Cinder asks

"a small one but it can still work as another movement to apply fear into people, The train operation that was supposed to be used on the final move is going to be searched by either the General's forces or Team RWBY with the huntsman. On using the attack with Roman caught we can shift away the eyes from the one actually behind this to him. Until then Ozpin will be shown to have unruly students in the Festival and an attempt of hiding a fault incident that could nearly have destroyed the city. " I said then Emerald and Mercury looks at each other thinking it could be a gamble

"I will go to the Southeast and make sure the operation will run smoothly and eliminate the ones that stands in our way.. "I said on a serious tone but I'm thinking hesitantly

"since majority of the huntsman are with the students away in the kingdom there wont be much guard for the attack or the ones investigating" Emerald says

"We should be worried about the Generals forces because we looked they are still in standby and could have moved out but it didn't, so the operation would run smoothly" Mercury says

"Okay... But when would you plan for this to occur?" Cinder asks

"Tomorrow early, Torchwick's henchmen keeps me updated on the situation on theirs and as far that I was given its enough to be moved directly" I said and she nods in approval

"but I want to ask something to you Cinder.. "I said without the formality
"privately..." I add then she excuses the two out

"Go on... I trust you foresight the time as well.. " she said and and I took a deep breath till now not Emerald or Mercury knew who's behind this mostly she invited us so we can survive and would still have a purpose on our foresaken lives

"Who's actually behind all of this..?why cause so much damage? What is the gain to all of this? "I asked in monotone

"My Loyalty..." Cinder starts to which I stare at her confused

"My loyalty the queen surely you haven't thought about the maiden was the only power gifted by the gods.. " she said and I gave it a thought

"you mean... There's.. Someone more stronger?" I asked trying hard to hide the disbelief on my tone

"Precisely, what you see around you.. The Grimms..are her doings..and she doesn't admire failures..or traitors..or those who wish to dispose her" as she talks she walks to me then I step back "and she... Cannot be killed... " she says

"cannot... Be killed?" I repeated and looked down, ' an immortal no. A God in this world? How come no one knows about this?! The one who is behind the existence of the grimms?!' I was so much in thought of scenarios that is inescapable that I flinched when Cinder placed a hand in my shoulder then I looked at her

"don't.. Try to defy me... Or her.. You should be glad... You and your brother are on the winning side..i assure you will not die..unless.. You try to do something that cannot be forgiven..."she says

"I won't.. "I said and stopping myself to add anything more

"good... Now run along.."she dismisses me then I walked out

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