Chapter 13 A Little Break

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Hi i would like to announce that Weiss is queen also by the time this is updated i feel sick again oof

Pedita's POV

I woke up a feel cramps all over. I should seriously stop flopping on the bed and forgetting about the existence of stretching.

Same as usual I'm the early bird of the nest and so I pack my stuff needed for Oobleck's class with the essay writings, the team has Professor Peach class's first I then sensed someone sit-up awake

"Perdita, You do know it's the weekends...right?" Phyrra said and I stop packing my papers then dragged myself and flopped on my bed

" I feel like I'm forgetting something but i dont feel like remembering it" i groaned out and i feel a weight on the corner of my bed

"Listen Perdita if something is bothering you, you could always tell us" Nora said and I just groaned

"Maybeeee for a pancakeeee??? " she asks me to which I smack my pillow to her face and we laughed

" I don't wanna leave my bed so I'm just gotta" I yawn "sleep.. " I said and drift to sleep

3rd Person POV

"not budging?" Jaune whispers and Nora shakes her head into no

"Let's..give her time.." Phyrra said and they heard a scroll ring to Perdita quickly get it then sighed

"hey..uhh.. I'll go out again and be back by I dunno " she said and ran out

...Time Skip...

At the night we heard ruckus on the other room "Blake! " we heard them and we opened our door to see what it is, it's team RWBY

"Hey.. You guys alright? " Jaune asks and Ruby sighs

"we're just worried about our teammate.." Ruby said and team JNPR felt gloomy aswell

"same.. It's getting late but she hasn't come back" Jaune said

"Sa---Perdita? Why? " Yang asks

"She keeps going out late and stress about class" Phyrra said

"but isn't she performing perfectly well in class? It kinda makes me jealous as young kid like her could be so smart and skillful" Weiss said and she realizes what she says after connecting the dots

"Exactly" Nora said

"Exactly what guys?" Perdita asks and gave us a mini heart attack because we didn't even hear her footsteps

" you exactly in time before our curfew ! " Nora said

"uhhh okay??? Wait school curfew? Should I go after Blake?" Perdita panics

"Nope! It's a Team JNPPR curfew!" Nora said

"since... When? " Ren asks and Nora lightly elbows him "Oh.. "

"since now, I'm sorry" Phyrra said

" sorry for whAH-- " Perdita got control by her magnet pack and Team RWBY decides to call it a day hoping their teammate would come back too

...Time Skip (Next day weekend) ...

Perdita's POV

So my team came up with a curfew yesterday and it kinda made me internally panic on why? And who gave our team a curfew time. Did a Professor see me come late and probably made a pattern of my behavior? I knew i should have came back by morning

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