Chapter 43 Now With Us

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Ruby ran passed by her Uncle holding on the things that she brought for the others

"Hey what's with the running?" Qrow Branwen asked as he tossed a letter to the box

"And what's with the standing it's almost time!" Ruby said excitedly and used her semblance, Petal Burst, to head over faster to where the others are and giggled as they looked at the red hooded girl

"And?" Yang asked asking where she had gone and she presented the small bag of goods

"What an absolute waste of ti-" Weiss got cut off by Yang

"WHAT DID YOU GET ME?!" Yang asked her sister and the two continued to banter over the little mysterious bag

"AH! I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! Beautiful beach coastline! Do you think it is too early for beach season??" Nora asked and Ren was stuck on his imagination

"Unfortunately... But we will be a step closer to Atlas.. Being that we truly need to have it delivered..." Ren said looking at Oscar who had it on his belt but on a smaller size

"Well im glad you are all excited! I don't think you guys appreciate the struggle I had to leave Atlas!" Weiss groaned but Ruby sat beside her to comfort

"I know Weiss... But trust us, Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second! I promise..." Ruby tells her teammate and Yang nodded in agreement

"Im just glad that I don't need to put the semblance up again in a few hours..." Jaune said looking at his hands and Nora bonked his head playfully

"We get itttt! You unlocked your cool and useful semblance! But it won't do you or any of us good if you're overusing it when you don't need to! You're right, from this moment forward until we reach Argus! No. More. Semblance. Training! It'll be second nature to you in no time! Right Ren?! "Nora tells him and Jaune nodded

" Ren? " They both looked at their friend that looked worried and hands on his weapons with a sweat dropping from his face

They were confused until they looked to their opposite direction to see the familiar hair and height but disappeared as someone passed their view

"Was it... Just me..." Weiss asked and JNOR got a confirmation that it wasn't just them

"Headmaster Ozpin..." They all turned behind Oscar was Sangria Rose indeed, but criminally known as Perdita Black one of the attackers of Haven and fall of Beacon

With her Mistrallian prison uniform and a gravity cuff with a metal collar that looked like it was infused with Fire dust didn't fail to not give the heroes peace knowing that her hands were on Oscar's neck but she lets go of him with Qrow Branwen holding his gun to her head

"You know well enough that I'm not one to hesitate kid..." He tells Perdita who smiled and held her cuffs hands in the air

"Now that's a lie... But you do know how to take the fun out of anything" she says and Uncle Qrow sighs

"Could you atleast try not killing anyone?" Qrow asks the girl who smiled until two Huntsmen came walking in

"No one is killing anyone, you're gonna thank us! And that is Dee and Dudley!" They all looked at Dudley who introduced themselves

"They sent us specifically because we have a specialty on both areas, killing Grimms and watching signs of Danger." Dee says and they both looked at Perdite

"With a Tip you can sure that we can keep a good eye at your cart. While we, ofcourse is keeping the Prisoner with us at all times" Dudley says

The Heroes sweat over the fact that the two are taking Perdita who chuckled innocently until she darkened her expression at the two so lightly

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now