Chapter 11 Sold

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Hhhhhhhhh doodle error oof wish she could have done this though hhhhh

Ruby's POV

We went to our normal sessions of routines and classes then it was time for our Combat class with Professor Glynda Goodwich

"hey guys! Are you ready to fight!? Oh i hope it could any of us in team RWBY this time" i said greeting team JNPPR

" if any of us are gonna fight then its team JNPPR for the win!" Nora said

" there is alot of teams but in probability there would but it's mostly a 1 on 1 battle so maybe" Ren said

" Yeah we'll go and fight and stuff" Jaune said nervously

" Well we'll be sure to give it our all" Phyrra said and we look at Perdita who looked at me and she just walked to the chairs

Me and Yang look at each other and i thought about the conversation we had on the Auditorium and after the initiation

-before the speech-

"I exploded and I nearly mistaken someone as Sangria! then this gi--" Yang cuts me off

"woah woah there little lost me on Sangria. You mean the girl from the bullhead earlier" Yang asked me

"Yeah! her! she even have the same eyes as--"

"YOU!" I jump into Yang's arms

"oh god its happening again!!" i said because the white haired mean girl is back

--after initiation--

"Yang.. " I called for her before our team head to our dorm, Weiss and Blake went in ahead

"something wrong Ruby?" Yang walked to me

"Perdita... " I start

"oh yeah guess we kinda just didn't notice" Yang said remembering when we called to her but she didn't know who Sangria was

"remember when Sangria used to do cartwheels but she bumped herself on a tree then we got super worried" Yang said and I giggled she wouldn't stop telling us to stop worrying that day

"back on the forest.. She called me big sis.. But she denied when I called her Sangria " I said and Yang was surprised and she was about to say something but we heard Professor Goodwich

"Girls I think it is time for you to head to your dorms it's about to pass midnight. You don't want to be late on your first day of classes now would we? " she told us and we walked inside our dorms to sleep


"is she mad at me? " I asked Jaune

"What? Why would she? Shes probably just having headaches or something.. I'll go ask her" Jaune was about to but he was called in front to go against Cardin then he lost because of his Aura hit red he also got lectured for it

"next. Will be Perdita Black and Ruby Rose. step in front " Professor Glynda said

"alright! A Team JNPPR and RWBY fight finally!" Nora cheered and Perdita stood up walked to the front looking at me with the smile she had on the first day we met

"maybe she'll tell you in battle? " Jaune said and I just hope so

"Wish me luck" I said and step in front and our team cheer us on

"When your ready... " Professor Glynda starts

Perdita's POV

I watch as Ruby makes an awful stance filled with openings and I mentally sighed because I woke up with a more painful headache. I think it was just from studying too much. I hold my scythes on both hands and gets ready maybe I can put her to a test

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now