Chapter 46 You're Choice

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After the heroes continued walking quietly on the snow following the trail, they can't help but think of what would happen if Perdita wakes up again,

Everytime Maria smacks the limped body of her that is beside as she sits on Yang's bike, they all have no choice but to simply trust her than spew out negativity,

"It doesn't look like this is gonna let up..." Qrow sighed looking up at the sky falling on snow for the past hours of them walking

"I just want to get this stupid relic to Atlas" Blake states

"Let's just hope that we don't walk all the way there..." Weiss added

"I thought you said tracks would lead somewhere?" Yang teased angrily as another sound of Perdita getting smacked by her cane was heard

"Do you have any better thing to do than attack a defenseless old lady?" Maria asked her

"Everyone Quiet.... Do you hear that...?" Ruby says.

It sounded like a creak of metal but it was consistent to the flow of the wind, then as they walked forward to the sound they begin to see roofs until its full houses and then the gate with a sign above named

'Brunswick Farm'

" Well at least one good thing happened today..." Blake sighs looking ahead

"It... Looks abandoned?" Weiss questions and looked at Ruby moving on ahead

"It is still better than anything, Lets go.." She said and just in cue the snow got even harder

"We need to move." Qrow said letting them in first

Ruby looks around as the others headed to the biggest house thinking the leaders or atleast someone could help them

"I don't get it... Most of the towns that I've passed through were either damaged or broken, but this one looks completely fine!" Ruby says as she looked over the houses but none were them are lighted by fire nor were the chimneys letting out any smoke

"Stay on guard." Qrow says after twisting the knob on the door then as all of them took out their weapons he kicked the door open and they all went in atleast expecting people but was only greeted with silence and darkness

As if no one even lived in the furnished house.

"CLOSE THE DOOR ALREADY! It's cold enough as it is!" Maria says as Oscar lagged behind while having Perdita on his back

Then Blake and Weiss got a move on into pushing a cabinet over the door incase if the wind would push it open and break it.

"I saw a chimney out the building, maybe we can get a fire going?" Blake suggested as Oscar placed Perdita gently on the sofa trying to make her comfortable

"Please I'll go look for some blankets!" Weiss said

"Yang. Go with her." Qrow said and the two headed upstairs

Maria peered over the collection of books as she also found a lighter and began lighting up the candles and handed it to Oscar

"Do you think anyone is here-?!" Oscar was cut off as they all heard Weiss scream from upstairs

"WEISS!!" Ruby screamed and most of them ran upstairs to see old dead rotting bodies on the bed.

As if they have died from their sleep.

"There's something wrong with this place!" Yang pushed herself up then Ruby ran to help Weiss and they all headed upstairs as Blake went to search over but managed to find blankets,

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now