Chapter 7 Rest

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Ajajajjajajjaja my motivation in writting suddenly spiked press F for my art wips that is left untouched in weeks by now hhhh

"hey i'll go stand on front cause i cant see due how gigantic you people are" I told them and i hear hear Yang scream for Ruby then she saw me and we made a slight eye contact to which i noticed we have the same eyes and the shade of yellow of our hair also the piece of Orange scarf on her neck reminded me of the torn jacket I had from a grimm attack on what father found me

I feel the pain in my head worsen then i quickly turn away from her and head to the front to watch Ozpin's speech with a red haired girl with a golden head piece "You okay?" she asks me while i was massaging the temple of my head

"yeah i just maybe have lack of sleep" i lied because i dont even know why the hell am i gaining this type of headache

"well i guess its a lesson learned to not stay up much" she said and she puts her hand on my shoulder comforting me

"Perdita Black" i introduced myself and she smiles

"Phyrra Nikkos a pleasure to meet you aqaentence " Phyrra said and i nod noticing that im slowly feeling better, weird.

"i'll keep this breif " we turn our attention to the stage where Ozpin and Glynda stand

" you've travelled here today in search of knowledge to hold your craft and acquire new skills and when you finished you would graduate and dedicate your life to the protection of the people, but i look amongst you..all i see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time of this school will only prove knowledge can only bring you so far. It is up to you, to take the first step" he finishes making the student re think of themselves some inspired he then moves aside and Glynda speaks

" you will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow you initiation begins, be ready.. Your dismissed" She said and the students starts to make their way to the ballroom then i follow Phyrra with the White haired Crater Face number 2 following us, weird.

...Time Skip...

"finally some sleep..." i groaned tiredly and flopped on the school mattress that was given to us but i borrowed(stole) Jaune's spare rabbit pillow because it was nice, i'll return it later. I also just wore my top turtle neck top piece and baggy pants, i should go buy some clothes with my spare liens.

"i guess everyone had a rough day of traveling..." Phyrra said getting ready for bed and the white girl who i noticed had her mattress beside Phyrra

"well i was expecting for them to give us proper designated rooms other than being packed in one area filled with" she looks at the shirtless boys "immoral companions" she said and i chuckled then Phyrra smiles pretending to agree, i guess they know each other

"im pretty sure its for a chance to slightly meet the people for the initiation day tomorrow" i said to which she then looks at me and raises a brow

"arent you too young to be entering to this prestigious school? You even look younger than that girl who exploded" she said too me and for i can guess with her way of acting and they way shes wearing that shes a rich and has upper connection, a useful companion that can be used.

" well a Headmaster suggested me to all of the schools since Haven was full and he didnt want my intelligence and skills to go to waste. Headmaster Ozpin reached out me for Beacon and here i am now" i told her the story cover up and Phyrra looks at me at awe and the white haired girl looked at me speechless then she shifted to something uncomfortable

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