Chapter 1 Relationship

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Just read the chapter--


3rd POV

Three children stare at their mother's grave that is near a cliff, one girl Ruby saying how she is excited on going to start her first day of school on Signal Academy with her Elder Sister Yang

"i do wish i could start with you guys! I wanna become a huntress too!" the youngest sister said to her elder siblings on an annoyed tone, Sangria who is only 7 has the same ambition like her siblings but has a different reason

"when i become one i will help those who stray from the path of good, and become the greatest there is!" Sangria said on a determined manner

"We all are going to be the greatest there is sis, trust us!" the eldest with long yellow hair pats her youngest sister "right ruby?" she asks

"ofcourse we are! Ohhh i cant wait to make my own weapon" Ruby says happily making the youngest with yellow and red ends sparkle her eyes in amazement

"Wait what?! Weapons?! Making?! Daaaad.... You gotta let me in early i wanna make Lightning Burn already!!" Samgria takes a paper from her pockets and runs to their father showing a scribble colored design of her weapon on a folded paper

Taiyang sighs at his 7 year old daughter "you can start going to the Academy after one year, you gotta atleast start with kids at your age" he said while patting his youngest daughter

Her two sister walks to the two Yang pulls Sangria and Ruby to a hug" dont worry we arent going to become the greatest till you become a huntsman" Yang said assuring her sister

"Yang is right we wont move forward without you" Ruby hugs Sangria tightly

"s-sis c-cant breath!" Sangria said repeatingly tapping Ruby's arm, Ruby lets go and apologizes repeatingly this made Sangria laugh knowing that she will be alright, her sisters laugh along with her and the scene made their father smile

"Alright girls we only have few minutes left" Taiyang said to the girls who started to run back to their mother's grave"

"mom make sure to watch over big sis that she will get good grades other than being a weapon nerd" Sangria said jokingly praying to their mother for Ruby

"And make sure Sangria never grows up--" ruby was stopped by a whining Sangria "But that would mean i would never start the academy!!"

"That she wouldnt leave our side.." Yang adds while nudging her little sister while Ruby giggles

"Bye mom..." Sangria waves and her elder sisters too did their farewells then they make their way to Taiyang who was waiting for them

AN: yee its short im so sorry but it is a 0.5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ dont kill me....
Make sure to
See you on the next chappy and stay healthy

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now