Chapter 34 Its Hard To Say Goodbye

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Me and Mercury watched the news while I checked his other leg and he readjusted the one Yang nearly broke, Got to hand it to her... If she punched hard enough she could have blown his entire lower half to bits

"A terrible tragedy took place this afternoon during the One on One rounds of the Vytal Festival Tournament"  Said Lisa Lavender, if Neo was here I could have asked if did Roman ever managed to get his date with her after rewatching most of her news coverage

Then Emerald changed the channel

"I dont know what Beacon's Headmaster is teaching his students, but that was disrespectful! Completely uncalled for. "  said a Haven Tourist that was interviewed for a different news channel

Then Emerald changed the channel

"Despite Atlas reinforcements, Local authorities are still calling on any available Huntsmen to help and aid in suppressing the spike in Grimm Activity-".  I then pouted when Emerald turned the news off

"Hey we were watching that?" Mercury whined and Emerald told him to shut up

"Hey is this how you treat a patient?" He asked her then she tightened up his screw

"Ow too tight!" Mercury moved his legs and I raised my hands to not touch the tool or i could have tightened it too

"Enough. Our Mercury and Perdita put on a wonderful show.. They were quite brave" Cinder said and I went to collect the tools because I was done with his other leg

"As the person who stole it for him, These things were not cheap. " I said and Mercury pointed at me for stating facts and Emerald rolled his eyes

"So what's next?" Emerald asked Cinder and I turned to her

"You and I makes sure that our Next Match up goes... Just as smoothly" Cinder then turned our backs to us and Emerald followed

"What about us?" Mercury asked

"Both of you get to lay low until the end, We wouldn't want people to see you on your feet like all was forgotten now would we?" Cinder asked and they walked away

"Cannnn doooo..." He said while unscrewing and screwing back the adjustments on his leg pretending he was doing something

"Oh boy what are you planning..." I asked him

"Okay hear me out-" I messed with his screws making it loose so he'll start from the beginning

"Hey!" he complained then I sighed

"I don't really feel like wanting to see any of them... Forever... And not in a I want them dead forever..." I said moving my seat to lean on him

"come on, its not that hard-" I cut him off

"But it was that hard! Knowing that you weren't going to be there for me in months was so hard for me! And because it was a mission that solely depended on me I couldn't bare to sleep with my eyes closed!..... I was just...I was so scared and... they were there for me and it felt so hard because I know that I was just lying to them..." I sighed

"Jaune he.. He always tries to get better even he did something wrong that could make him lose his dream forever and it inspired me to help him, Phyrra too! She's such a strong fighter and you can always rely on her to make everything feel alright... And Nora... She will always find a way to make you smile.. And Ren made would make us food that we never tried before... They... They were always living so honestly... So Honest that it doesn't even kill them! And im here!" I said looking around the warehouse

"If im honest, I'll.... Lose you...." I looked at him

"And I... I would never want that... I'll trade anything just to make sure we stay together, because we'll always stay together and you're the only family I have!" I placed my head down and chuckled miserably

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