Chapter 48 Little Time To Ourselves

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I took off the metal rose from Ruby's cape that was still with me and looked at it as we got closer to Argus and can't help but feel like someone was looking at me and I stood corrected when I saw Qrow for a moment then I forcefully handed it to Ruby while putting her cape on and hood included,

"What are you doing?" Ruby asks then I phased through Weiss scarf and wore it

"Hey!" I hear Weiss say while I tucked my hair in

"I think you forgot that I'm very much still a criminal filed under Terrorism and Homicide..." I say then I see Blake frown

" and for theft! Just because you're a so called criminal but you could have atleast asked for the scarf!" Weiss said and I rolled my eyes

" Ice Queen... I'm gonna need you to say it again... Slowly...Very slowly..... "I tell her then the shadow of the wall looms over us and I keep my back from it sitting next to Maria

" These lots gotta learn a few about stealth from you... "Maria commented and I stayed quiet while the other awed approaching the Parking lot

I looked around and saw the Camera's then sighed as I got off following the others,

" CUTE BOY OZ!!!! "I turned to see Nora coming out from the group of people following that I sense Jaune and Ren making me not look back at them but I did see Oscar getting tackled to the ground

I sighed remembering how painful those hug tackles are then I go to turn to Ruby seeing that she was hugging Jaune in relief,

Jaune sees me then gasped and jogged to me,

Rather than usually taking out on guard I just stood still closing my eyes accepting whatever is coming,

If I'm still under the Influence of the Apathy, I don't care and I deserve every single bit of it,

"We thought we had left you in the train...we're glad that you're okay..." I hear Jaune says and was greeted into a hug with Nora adding in and Ren who was hesitant but came to join in


"Are all of you sick or something?" I ask and Nora lightly laughs while they all still looked hesitant but on their eyes were, care?

What the hell happened ever since that train crash!?

"I need to stay low so don't call me by my name if you're gonna get my attention." I told them then Ruby turned to me

"Oh okay- well are you going to this person you know?" Ruby asked me and I turned to her as if she's joking

"You still cant go on off your own, remember kid, we're taking you to Atlas whether you like it or not" Qrow said and I scoffed walking ahead but JNR and the others quickly followed

"We know a place we've been staying so it should do once we could get back on track" Jaune said then I placed my hands to my pockets letting them lead the way,

Its better to save the trouble since im still sticking to my original plan,

"It's much bigger than I thought it was... It's crazy you've been here yourself Sangria!" Yang said in awe as we walked up to a road train but I stopped on my tracks looking back at her and see that Ruby is waving her arms infront of me

"-!You said you needed to stay low and call you a different name to get your attention! Is it causing you any headaches or-!" I sigh and stopped Ruby

"No... It's fine, it'll save all of us the trouble with how bad most of you act." I say and leaned on the rail

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now