Chapter 12 Trip and Operation

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i dont know what to AN so
Apple bottom jeans--//slaps self//

Perdita's POV

We woke up and headed to the Bullhead with Team CRDL, RWBY and Professor Glynda going to Forever Fall to get tree saps as Professor Peach requested. Professor Glynda has been giving me looks like she was watching my movements could she be... Suspicious of me? But why?

"Yes students, The forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sightsee. I will make sure none of you will die while taking Tree Saps as Professor Peach requested but this place is filled with Grimm so make sure to stay by your teammates, we will rendezvous back here at 4 have fun" she said and I over hear Cardin 'friendly' pulls Jaune with him

"Miss Black.. May I have a word with you" Professor stops me after I was about to tag with the others, my team looked back and saw that it might be privately so they went ahead. Noooo whyyy

"Yes professor?" I asked having both of my hands behind me but internally getting ready because of the tension between us, my semblance is outmatched by hers

"I've heard from the other Professors about your skill of Aura sensing could you please make sure your classmates doesn't go on other areas alone?" she requested me to which I was confused, I guess that's what prestigious schools do to their students

"I will do my best ma'am" I agreed and headed to meet with the others

"oohhhh did you get in trouble? "Nora asked me jokingly to which I scratched the back of my neck and is that sap on her mouth?

"It was just a task to use my Aura sense to make sure none of us strays alone" I said and Phyrra looks at me worriedly

"are you sure your alright with that? Doing Aura sensing takes allot of energy and concentration" Phyrra said and I shake my head

"it'll be fine, it's gonna be like training to me " I said and sat on the floor to concentrate then they continue to gather saps

"well we're just about to finish up filling the jars--" I cut Ren off

"Filling? " I asked looking at the still empty Jars and a giggling Nora to which they have to start again, honestly it is quite funny, I heard my scroll ring and see it a R.T. (Roman Torchwick)

"Family?" Phyrra asks and I nod yes while giving a strained smile, like hell that smoking ass is what I can call family

"yeah..Excuse me a bit" I said and ran to an area and climbed a tree my Red jeans and brown boots serves as my camouflage then answered my scroll

"hurry up im in a middle of a trip" i whispered on my scroll

"is that how you greet your old man who's just checking up on you?" Roman said to which I internally sigh at his antics and I didn't reply

"Yeesh tough crowd. I need you little ghosty semblance since our little dustshop is in a cramped area on downtown of vale. tonight at the warehouse I'm a man of business so don't be late kid" He said and before I could end the call

"did you get me the stuff I texted you yesterday? "I asked then I heard him sigh and tell someone to go buy me the things I need just now. This guy...

I ended the call there and a Grimm walked under me to which I sensed to 5 students. I jumped down and beheaded the Grimm then I heard screaming or War cry of Jaune?

I was about to go help him but I was being pulled back and I suddenly looked around to see Weiss, Phyrra, and Ruby. Phyrra motioned me to come to them and so I did then we watch Jaune fight the Big Ursa defending Cardin who's on the ground

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