Chapter 18 Before The Night

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So something came up so i guess im writting to let it out i guess oof
Anyway yall like sangria? 👑

Perdita's POV

Emerald states the names of the people in my list then I add with new informations of them and Cinder decides whether to mark them as a possible protector of the Maidens power

"And finally Phyrra Nikos" Emerald said and I kept my poker face but felt bad in the inside

"ah the invinsible girl... " Cinder comments

"she's smart but I wouldn't say invinsible" Mercury adds as it peeks Cinder's interest

"her semblance is polarity but you would never know by just watching" Emerald says

"after she made contact with my boots, she was able to move the around however she wanted...but she only made slight adjustments" Mercury said

"shes also more of into making people pleased with results which makes her smart on making decisions in any scenario. she also doesn't say no to things that is expected of it a spar, teamwork, and anything shes..too nice.. And that's what makes her weak.." I said my opinions on Phyrra

"and she doesn't broadcast her powers so it puts her enemies in a disadvantage" Emerald said and I thought of the time when she manipulated the metal of my weapon strap to get my attention

"Hmm people assume she fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands.. Interesting...add her to the list" Cinder said and Emerald swipes on the scroll

It's Yang, Coco, Nora, Weiss, and Phyrra

"you should be able to take her no problem" Mercury told me and I faced him

"it would be suspicious if I ended up killing my own teammate also it would frame Haven and not Beacon.. The opposite of what we were going for" I said and Mercury just nods understanding

"Correct. It's not about over powering the enemy... It's about taking what power they have.. And we will.. In time... " Cinder says and Mercury flops on the floor

"I hate waiting..." he sarcastically whines and I flop beside him

" please tell me this is about to be over by face cheeks can't take it" I said rubbing my face

"Don't worry you two... We have a fun weekend ahead of us..." Cinder said then she dismisses us to our rooms

I walked in the hallways but bumped into someone by my bruised arm side "Ow! I'm sorry I should have looked where I was going" I said and I heard books falling so I helped on picking it up

I then heard a light gasp after I handed the book and faced Blake who still have bags in her eyes "Blake? It's late shouldn't you be with your team? " I asked

"I was about to say the same thing to you" she said on a cation tone

"well let's go togeth---" I stopped when she held my hand and pulled up my sleeve revealing my scars and the bruise

"it's you.." she glares at me and i pretended to be confused

"what? who? Blake please let go of my arm!" I said using a scared tone

"you and the girl from the white fang rally that gave us masks had same scars and a bruise where Yang punched then you escaped it explains your depleted aura!" Blake said and wow. Damn it Perdita this is not the time to be amazed from your stupidity!

"Blake...your scaring me... " I said pretending to tremble then she still glares at me then lets me go

"I know it's you and I will tell the others about this" she said and walked back in the library.

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