Chapter 17 Drained

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I couldn't put anymore words on the last chapter b r uh

" Neo uses her semblance to cover all of us "

Perdita's POV

I then ran to the bike and Roman and Neo went to the Bullhead then I heard a glass breaking and Yang was quick on her feet to follow and punch me to the pillar "damn it thats gonna leave a bruise " I cursed

She was about to follow again but I sinked in the wall and I'm on the highway far from the fight I panted and made my way to change to my normal clothes and rushed to a bullhead to Beacon.

I panted inside the bullhead on how far I had to run while using my Aura to boost my movement after it just got a bit depleted after blocking that punch to not break my bones

While going back I checked my arm and it did leave a bruise. Geez that semblance really pack a punch, I head to the exchange student dorm and knocked on a door

Emerald opened it and looked at me in confusion "don't ask.." I went in and flopped on their floor

"rough night? " Mercury asked while reading his comic

"I hate how big this city is..." I groaned and tiredly snagged his pillow and hugged it

"why? Don't tell us you got caught? " Emerald said and threw a ice pack to me then I placed it on my arm

"nope.. Not yet atleast, did my team call? " I asked and in time my scroll ringed and it said Vomit Boy

"Perditaaaa your missing another pancake nighttt" I hear Nora whined making me groan with the pillow on my face

"hello? " Mercury answered

"oh uhmm is this her brother? " Jaune asks

"yup we had a long day then we also had a spar and my sister just flopped in here, don't worry she's fine just exhausted asleep actually, seriously she snores like crazy" Mercury said and I throw his pillow on his face

"don't worry she can stay here for the night " Mercury said

"thanks man" Jaune said causing me to frown on how much they care and just minutes ago I tried to stab my friend

"hey no problem..Vomit Boi" Mercury finishes and i heard Jaune groaned loudly because of his contact name that me and Ruby agreed to put on

"I have decided to slack off tomorrow. Goodnight remnant " I said and shut my eyes to sleep

"Cinder said to try on those you have on your list " Emerald said tossing her pillow to me

"eh we can handle it" Mercury said and closed the lights


"since its the win of Team CRDL we can move to 4 against one, Ms. Black would you like to demonstrate?" Professor Glynda asks me and I tiredly got up then ready my weapons and faced team CRDL and didn't bother to turn to the displayed monitor to see my bar on orange and slightly going to red. I didn't have enough rest last night

"this is gonna be easy" Cardin scoffs at me his team getting ready, they are bullies but they have great fighting pattern not to be underestimate with

"when your ready" Professor Glynda said

Russel ran to me with his daggers blocking my pistol shots and the others going around me. I have to rely on my sensing

I formed my double scythe and swings at it on Russel that sent him back but he blocks it and I kicked down by the staff Lark's Halberd and swings my scythe to him but blocked bullets from Dave's revolver and jumped away from Russel's daggers

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