Chapter 10 Grimm Bio Class

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Im finally starting to feel better
Hhhhh mah poor art wips gimme an F

Perdita's POV

I woke up feeling weird and i get up to peek on the curtains? Oh yeah im in beacon then i hear some snoring and looks at them still fast sound asleep, guess i should start to get ready

" You aren't really a heavy sleeper are you? " I heard Phyrra say to which gave me a mini heart attack then I look at her

"yeah.. I'll go get ready before they wake up then we can do some fixing! Is that a... Oven stove... " I asked and Phyrra just smiled nervously

"Yes... And don't ask.. " We turn to Ren who was also awake, well atleast we can make food when we want to now..

After me Phyrra and Ren got ready we heard a loud whistle blow from the other room causing Jaune and Nora fall off their beds, thank you team rwby..

"We should get ready and unpack" I proposed and so they did but not after Ren made.... Pancakes? I look at it poking the food with my fork it smells good tho

"so this is a pancake? " I asked and I heard Nora loudly gasp. Oh no...

"You never had pancakes before?! Oh you gotta try it!! And of course not without some syrup! You can even put cream, butter--" she continues to go on and on like it was some prehistoric dish

"that sounds... Unhealthy... " I said then ate a piece but after stopping Nora from putting too much syrup and OhMyOum I feel like crying

"It's... Good.. And sweet.. " I said and Nora shakes me while the other three continues to unpack

"Isn't it!! " Nora screamed and I smiled happily finishing the pancake, from the 2 years of work around practicing on being a killer I've never actually minded the food I ate and the thought it could make me happy... Wonder what else is there..

"It's 8:55 you dunce!!! " we heard...Weiss? Scream from the other room making us peek open our door

"uhhmm... To class!! " Ruby said and I look at my student sheet

"h-hey uhmm we have classes at ninAH-" I bumped into a stack and all of them four fell on the floor

"We are gonna be late!!" Jaune exclaimed and we team JNPPR and RWBY set off running from the dorm building to the school but not after spotting a sight of Ozpin and Glynda

We had our Grimm Biology class with Profersor Port who was not really good of crowd control but I did like the Grimm information and doodle on the board then I write on what was on the board but was distracted by Ruby and Yang who laughed at Ruby's fat stinky drawing of Professor Port.... Isn't that bullying?

The Professor cleared his throat to silence them and continues on with his story I wasn't listening much just took note of the end "The moral of the story a true Huntsman must be Honorable, a true huntsman must be dependable, a true huntsman must be strategic, well educated and wise " He said. It would have been nice I would be a huntsman but on this world where darkness mostly dwell and the solution no where to be found other than keeping hope and faith for it to soon come.. Is tiring.

"I do sir!" I snapped out from my thoughts after Weiss raised her hand

"Excellent any other hands?" professor said and I did just so I can avoid getting in trouble for spacing out

"great! Now step forward and face you opponent!" He said then me and Weiss changed into our combat clothes but not after Weiss stop me

" Okay Perdita you'll do defense and I'll do the offence and the talking " she said and I just nod because I don't even know what we're doing...could it be reciting?

We heard our team cheer for us and I smiled, it's kinda nice being cheered on its mostly just me and Mercury pushing ourselves

"Ruby I'm trying to focus!" Weiss said and she was right we do need to focus on the opponent in the cage, I hold my scythes in hand and stance

"now let the match..Begin!! " The proffesor sliced the lock and a Boar Grimm charged at us so I merged my scythe into one to move it aside but It didn't work because Weiss had her sword to attack it's shield and we moved aside but I had to split my weapon again and have a stance to get ready to move it out balance and side

"Hahah wasn't expecting that were you" Port said and I bended to gain enough force to flip it to the side BUT WEISS ran ahead with her speed Glyphs to the boars head "Haha! Bold new approach! I like it! " Port saiys

Then Weiss gets distracted? By Ruby, her weapon was caught then thrown to the side and i shoot the armor for the Grimm to back away instead of pushing Weiss nearly down "A great distance support to rescue an ally and what will you do now without your weapon" Port says

The Grimm was about to charge on Weiss but I jumped in Scythes forged in one then swings it for the Grimm to hit the wall and Weiss uses this to go for her weapon

I continue to back the Grimm to the wall while hitting it's armor and I see it crack, seriously Weiss just go and attack this thing and stop making me look stupid

"Weiss go for its belly! It has no armor in it! " Ruby suggested to which was the reason why I'm attacking the shield side of the boar because Weiss was suppose to do 'offensive'

"Stop telling me what to do! " Weiss screamed at Ruby and I internally screamed on how stupid I look lightly pushing off the boar by its tusks, Weiss why?

The boar backs away and starts to form into a wheel "Perdita" Weiss finally signalled me and I shoot myself to hers and the Boar rolled to our direction then blocks the boar upwards and it lands on its back, Weiss gives the finishing blow and we were done. What took her so long?

"Bravo!Bravo! An it appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntresses in training, I'm afraid that is all the time we have left today.. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and stay vigilant! Class dismissed" Port dismissed us and Weiss walked to the door looking mad

"Jeez what's up with her? " Jaune asked

"she did tell me to go defensive and she'll do the talking.. Did i make her mad? " I pretended to ask stupid cause I know I did way awesome

"I'm sure it's not you, you did great! "Phyrra said and Nora shakes me

"this deserves a victory pancakes! " She said and I smiled like a kid on Disneyland

"I'll go talk to her.. " Ruby said and follows Weiss outside

And that was our day and at night we had pancakes. I swear this is so bad for the health but its good, i checked my scroll and look for some updates or orders from anyone and seemed nothing but the Vytal Tournament upcoming meaning Mercury,Emerald, and Cinder are coming.

I was about to text Mercury if he knows anything about why I'm experiencing head aches like the ones I used to have when I was seven but decided to delete it because it was already night and chances are they're doing something and I don't want to get in the middle of it

Tomorrow is another day and I couldn't risk to go around the school till I'm ordered to, no-one still knows my semblance and I'm going to keep it that way I thought and went to sleep


What y'all think of the story so far? 👉👈

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