Chapter 16 Assist

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OMG this is long---


Ruby's POV

After me and my team finished up making our plan we freshened up to get ready for bed and tomorrow for class but I stopped Yang "hey Yang?"

"yes Ruby? " she turned

"do you think we should... Nevermind" I stopped thinking to myself that Sangria is gone and she's not coming back

"you think we should tell dad about Perdita? " she asked and I looked at her then she sighs

"ruby... You saw how dad felt that day and along the years.. But I get where your coming from how about you visit them before our tournament and I'll go tell Qrow he might think we're crazy again cause this isn't the first time we mistaken someone for Sangria" she said then she hugs me

"we both miss her.. We can hope but sometimes we just have to accept things as is" she said

"thanks sis" I said then we went to bed and prepared ourselves for the next day

...~time skip~...

Perdita's POV

"hey uhmm Perdita? " Jaune calls for me while i multitask writing on Grimm biology and I replied with a Hmm

"can we...switch places? " he asks and I looked at him in confusion then i looked to who's next to me which was Weiss also writing about Grimm biology then I looked at Jaune with a smirk

"sure go do your thing Lover boy" I said and I hurried to switch places with him and continued to do my work

I stopped writing and took out my scroll and texted to Roman "watch over for these girls they are planning for something and might stand in our way, and no i can't stop them here so I'll be going in tonight " I sent it with their images and I closed my scroll

I stopped when I sensed that someone was facing me for a long time from behind already so I slightly turned my head and came with an eye to eye contact with Blake

I sent her a smile and a wave, she couldn't have seen my scroll because Its covered by my bag. She hesitantly smiled back at me and a beep was sounded from Weiss's scroll

"And then i-- oh I must have not timed that right, well the conclusion of the story will have to wait. Until next time ." Professor Port dismisses us

"Weiss? Did you hear me? " Jaune asks Weiss about his proposals to their date

"no, no, no, yes. "then he sighs in defeat putting his head on the table

"one day" I said patting his head and Blake looked back at me from the door before following her team

When we went to our rooms Nora flopped on the bed "Professor Ports class is sooo boringgg" she whined

"well it's still early so what will you guys do today? " I asked then we looked at Nora who loudly snored herself in sleep

"Well me and Phyrra are gonna continue on our training " Jaune said

"oh yeah it's Ren's turn to help you on Aura" I said and Ren nodded then I sensed Team RWBY exit their dorm with.. 2 other people? Sun and Neptune how did they get there?

"what will you do Perdita? " Phyrra asks and I placed my hand on my chin like I have beard

"I guess I'll show my brother's team around the city I might get back late though " I said heading to the door

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