Chapter 20 At The Southeast

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Hey so my friend is open for Art Commissions more info at the end of the chapter

Ruby's POV

"Morning Team JNPPR! Hey Perdita ready to go?" i asked after I knocked and Jaune opened their door

"Did you guys get in trouble?! " Nora asked excitingly and Perdita stood up confused to be honest I was too she wasn't on the tower that night

"ah- sorry! I must have forgot to tell you that the Headmaster wants to see us "I said and mentally slapping myself on how I could have forgotten

"oh well...okay? " she said and we walked to the hallway and I notice Perdita really avoiding on looking at me, actually she was too on the party as if she was bothered by something

"so what did the Headmaster wants to see us for? " she asks

"uhhh to be honest i have no not sure if I'm suppose to tell you but something happened last night.." I said and she looked at me curiously

"is that so? The night seemed normal to me" she said

"it's was! but there was this girl in black and she defeated the guards guarding the tower! " I said

"only her? But what was she doing? "she asks

"I don't know.. But maybe the headmaster knows" I said then we enter an elevator and I pressed a button

'Top floor'(tohp flo)

I giggled on its accent and I pressed another button

'Second Floor'(Secot flo)

"yeah uh Ruby I think you shouldn't be doing that" Perdita says and I moved back so she can press the buttons but she spam pressed it all making the sound say the floor numbers with its somehow funny accent

"hey is this going up? " a person from the 2nd asked and I cover my mouth to stop from laughing

"no sorry it's going down." Perdita said then the elevator closed and we went up then we laughed

...............(based on true story I have no idea why me and my friend would laugh at the elevator accent. idk I'm a Filipino we laugh at anything)

Perdita's POV

"sorry it took so long someone accidentally hit all the buttons all the way up here" Ruby says after we exit the elevator

"it wasn't us... " I defended

"Thank you for coming Ruby and Perdita, how are you both feeling?" Ozpin asks

"well rested for today's trial missions" I said and Professor Glynda nods

"okay I guess, I'd feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't over three" Ruby said and they just looked at her. Tough crowd..

"okay so that's the tone we're going for got it.. " Ruby said rubbing the back of her head and I pat her back. What she done was Social suicide

"Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that what you did last night was exactly what being a huntress is all about, you recognized a threat, you took action and did the very best you could" General said patting her shoulder

"thank you sir.. " Ruby said and I'm still confused on why I'm here

"now the general has already informed us of the events that transpired last night, but now that you are well rested we were wondering if you had anything to add and for Perdita we ask if have you sensed something around " Ozpin says

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