Chapter 3 Changing what is Fixed

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AN: sorry for the late updates..


3rd POV

A girl with red hair and yellow streaks covered in bandages stirs awake from her unconscious state "(where am i? Am i...back at home...)d-dad...?" she says on a very low and weak tone

She sits herself up painfully and discovered that she isnt in her room nor it looked like any part of her house back at patch, she inspected herself discovering bandages covering her arm and shoulder with am oversized grey shirt she is wearing,"( im probably at a neighbors house..yeah..)

She gets up and leans on the wall supporting her so she doesnt fall she reached for the door but it isnt closed so she peeps her head out to look around and what she saw was unbearable.

Mercury POV

I block my head with my arms and my legs blocking my stomach as my drunk father continue to punch and kick me on different sides some part of me bleeding after a good few minutes the girl that he brought in came infront of me, i just noticed now that she was younger than me maybe a 4 year gap.

"Please stop hurting him its not right!!" she said while trembling her leg limping maybe from the lost of blood, my father clenched her shoulder where the wounds were and pushed her to me and i caught her, i was right she was trembling.

Marcus POV

"im scared...i..want my dad..I WANT TO GO HOME!!" I look at the pathetic girl on Mercury's arms crying and trembling

I tched at the sight and pulled the girl but Mercury was pulling her back protectively so i kicked him in the face till he let go of the girl "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US--"

I cut off the girl by throwing her to the wall "You really think..Someone would help you?! Get up kid! I saw you fall from the claws of a Nevermore! Did your so called dad even cared about you in the first place?! Well i guess hell not cause he just let her daughter roam free at the house of death himself" I screamed at the child ignoring my drunken tone.

"Dad..would....DAD WOULD NEVER ABANDON ME! I went out on my own and got myself in mess!" the girl screamed back at me covering her worsen shoulder.

"well was anyone with ya?" I asked knowing i gotta get my hands on this kid for such a young age having already to use her Aura and maybe her Semblence.

She replies hesitantly "n-no... I got chased in the forest by myse--"

"NOOO--"After Mercury didnt let her finish because he knew what i was gonna do, something that i use to also threaten him to do better at his fighting, I hit him out cold

"If you dont want to end up like him i suggest you tell me the truth kid, whats your name?" i asked making sure that she hears my voice clearly that if she lies she dies

She nods while trembling tears falling on her eyes "S-sangria...Sangria Rose..."

"Sangria Rose... Keh Doesnt fit you much" and i knocked her out cold and carried her not forgetting to cover her with a jacket along with her hair making sure it would look like a father carrying his sleeping child after a few seconds Mercury starts to stir awake.

"when i get back this place better be fixed and see you training outside, if you lose to me when i get back or not unlock you semblence... I'll kill you..." and that i left shutting the door behind me

I went to the small town down the mountains and enter a certain house whos back door and basement door never closed, I looked at cranky old woman with a gentle smile "ohhhh Marcus after you told me to get ready when visit with Mercury you bought a new kid here instead what do you plan to do with her may i ask?"

"use your semblence on her Old woman, make her forget her name, family, life before this day" i said sternly, this old woman has the semblence to erase ones memory if she imagines the events of their most painful time of life, the more painful it was the more painful it is if they try to remember

"You know for keeping my family protected for years I promised you that I do Erases for you with no questions asked so...What seems to be the most painful event of this child" she asked patting the child laying on a bed in the head

"Getting herself caught by a Nevermore claws digged on those injuries and falling on a barrage of trees" I said

"If so then i can begin..." she stood up and place her hands to cover the Child's eyes and a hand on her head.

3rd POV

"you will come up with stories to cover her up and after this my business is out with you. I owe you my life so i will use my last Aura and Energy on your bidding and if i dont die give me the final push to be so" she said to Marcus who agrees and went upstairs to get a weapon.

She begins her ability on the child who started to squirm and scream the old lady could feel the wetness on her hands the tears of the child "P-PLEASE!!! MAKE IT STOP!! IM SORRY!! PLEASE!!! STOP!! IT HURTS!!" The child struggles from the belts warped on her arms and legs so she wont move

"Im sorry little will only take a second and you will forget who you once were and start anew" the old woman whispers for the child to hear

"n-NO!! I DONT WANT TO FORGET!! I WANT TO GO HOME!! I WANT TO GO BACK!! I WANT MY DAD!! MY SISTERS! MY UNCLE!!" The woman continues what shes doing in shame pitying the child she is torturing

"im sorry little one.." the old woman whispers

"DAD, RUBY, YANG ,UNCLE QROW!! PLEASE!! Please!!" The child slowly starts to go limp and the Old woman wipes the childs tears away

"forgive me...may your new life be more better than what once was..." the woman whispers and looks at the man with a towel covering a knife in hand

"is it done?" the man asked being a bit drunk but never fails to have a terrifying tone

"yes may her new life be better than what once was..." the woman says and goes upstairs to sit on the sofa infront of the warm fire

After the man Marcus Black carried the unconcious girl up he stabs the woman in the chest and removes it and gave the knife on the woman hands "yes...may she..."

With that he left the house normally after using the towel to cover the kids hair and covering her with the jacket and walks pass the people to the exit of the town till a certain man with an old tone, black hair, cross necklace, and a gigantic sword in the back, the huntsman Qrow Branwen

"hey pal..." Qrow calls and Marcus turns

Qrow shows an image of a girl with long yellow hair with red ends and purple eyes it was Sangria, the girl he has covered in his arms "have you seen this kid around?" Qrow asks

"no sorry kids around these parts tends to get rowdy even my kid here even got all tired playing with her pals and just taking this kid him you know, hope you find the kid " Marcus replied normally in instinct

"i hear yah thanks...wait.." he saw a bit of strands of hair of yellow and red ends on who Marcus was carrying but couldnt confirm it

"SOMEONE HELP! ITS MY MOTHER! SHES BLEEDING ALOT I NEED A MEDIC OR SOMEONE!" Qrow turns and a number of people runs to the area, Marcus using this chance to go normally and out the town back his house, Qrow turns and saw the man not there anymore so he hurried to the house instead reminding himself mentally to search the town and area all over

Marcus POV

I went back to the house and saw Mercury training like i told him he saw me and i drop the kid again like a doll "patch her up again and go to bed you rat" and I sit outside my house thinking on how I will train this girl along Mercury and make sure the two will be better than me if this kid is stupid enough to make herself weak because of her semblence, then i'll simply take it the same goes for Mercury.

So uhhh this is long i guess
Sorry for the late update my pals i'll do my best from now on since i am now sick :DDDD
Anyway hey there ghost readers
Comment down what you think of the chapters or i haunt you 👁👄👁

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