Chapter 39 Reunion

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Ruby POV

I sighed walking with Jaune, Nora and Ren holding the map saying that I thought we'd reach Mistral within 3 weeks,

Defending myself that I have never been this far away from home

Last week we had defeated a Geist Grimm that has been harming the village and at the same time got Jaune a blacksmith to make his new armor,

When I left for Mistral I had been so eager to find and stop Cinder from what Uncle Qrow said about the traces are going to where we are headed,

Jaune then took over in handling the map as I stretched and adjusting my bag

"Hey... Whats that?" I asked looking at an entrance of a Village and Nora hoped on a rail to see further

"Thats... Strange we shouldn't have passed through any village in days by now..." Jaune said looking at the map

"Is it... Damaged?" Nora asked who turned to us

"Let's check for survivors!" We all ran inside the building seeing it on the corner of its buildings grew mold and wood pilled on the side as if it was under construction

"Anything?!" I asked the others after lifting up a basement door with no one inside

"Nothing here!" Nora said from above

"No one over here either!" Jaune said coming out from the corners

"It almost seemed like the town was abandoned..." Ren said looking at the texture of the buildings as Nora ran ahead

I looked around frowning at the sight of the places that had then reminded me of Beacon.

I still get woken up in dreams about being too late to save Phyrra... Sometimes I could even hear Perdita laughing... That would then turn into Sangria,

That call that Jaune had with me and Weiss when we tried to find them still rang into my mind, how we should have stopped Phyrra going after Cinder who killed her infront of them

Uncle Qrow said that she was there because she wanted to say goodbye to her teammates but something felt odd about her than even dad brought up

"Hey I found something!" I turned to Nora who kneeled at a stone moving the plant covering it

"Oniyuri...ughhh never heard of it! " She read it confusingly putting her hands to her hips and Jaune agreeing

"I have..." We all turned to Ren who looked upset

"You might want to think of it as... Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed... Years ago the people of Mistral didn't like how the Kingdom was being run... Frustrated with the council, they pulled their own resources together to build their own city, make their own laws... They hoped that one day... It could have become its own kingdom... Many thought it would be the future... I know my parents did.. "He said walking away to the side upset

"... What.... Happened.... "I asked and hear him move some dust away

" What always happens... "He said and we all looked down understanding the cause

" Grimm... "Jaune said

" Not just anyone... "Ren said tightens his fists as I looked at Nora who looked at him

" One? "I asked confused thinking if were we still talking about a Grimm and we looked above seeing birds fly out from the forest

I looked at Ren and wanted to ask if he wanted to talk about things but he already followed them

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now