Chapter 50 Welcome To Atlas?

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" Something is wrong with Perdita-" Weiss got cut off by Perdita who took a breath in as if she wasn't breathing

"Im fine!......... Fine..... Then I'll go help Yang and Blake, if they're in trouble or is being surrounded then I can get them out and we'll be able to shut the damn signal off..." Perdita says trying to get herself together

"Are you sure?" Weiss asks

"If it's anyone of ours then I'll be able to get information out of them too, its two birds with one stone..." Perdita replies

"LETS SEE HOW YOU ROACHES CAN HOLD OUT AGAINST THE ATLASSIAN MILITARY!" Cardoven from her machine loudly exclaimed shooting out a missile then Perdita casted her semblance around the ship again,

But to her surprise Ruby made a perfectly distanced shot.

"THEN SO BE IT!" Cardoven suddenly changed her dust canon to them

"MARIA!" Weiss screams and the ship was driven down and both her and Perdita jumped off

Perdita quickly placed an aura on all of them then used her semblance to phase impacts and Weiss casting a ground dust sheild.

"That... was a close one..." Oscar says then smiles at Perdita as she stood by him

"She's trying to get out... I need to be sure to what's taking Yang and Blake so long..." Oscar held her hand before she could leave

Then she looked at all of them and she sighs,

"I know you guys can take something I can by myself, down..." She jokes and Oscar sent a few of his aura to aid hers and Jaune used his semblance to her

They let Perdita go, then she covered her legs with aura running fast through the forest jumping through the trees.

   ..............----------TIME SKIP----------...............

Perdita has hopes that it'll be her brother that she'll see so that none of the things could matter about going after him, after they get to Atlas.

Even that now she has the freedom to run away and find other manners to get back but she doesn't feel like she shouldn't.

From out of thought she began to see the tower, but not Blake above it nor sense anyone above,

"There aren't anyone here but bodies of the guards!....Dead ones too... " Perdita says through the comms and looked around

"What?!" Ruby panics then Perdita clicks her tongue

"I'll find them, focus on fighting!" She says and climbed to the highest part of the tower after looking at the cause of death on the guards

"..... Too short to be Blake's katana..." She stands up and held on the wire that was hanging,

Blake looked like she had a fight but none for Yang, none of her shotgun bullets are around either.

Then she looked at where the other part of the wire was cut, extending her hand and was hesitant to close her eyes but thought that all she needs to do was focus,

"Sangria..." She looks at her scythe that was unloaded so she extended the blade

"Please... Give me time..." she closes her eyes and as she thought there was Sangria infront of her.

On the same way as earlier...

But instead of begging in return she was simply on a far distant, that Perdita wondered why she was so far away.

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now