Chaptet 8 Emerald Forest

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Hi have a case :0

Perdita POV

I woke up feeling a bit light headed wanting to sleep more and i mentally slapped myself to get up to change and get ready, making sure i strap the magnet for my weapon that was still on the case "wonder whose a better user..." i asked myself looking at my case

I leaned on a locker after following the students that i just ignored from the tour and i looked at the locker to whom i know was Jaune's and what happened yesterday that he got pushed in by a tall brown haired bully and got launched out the school, how entertaining.

"hey move it shortee." i got brought back from spacing out and speak of the grimms its the school bully himself looking down at me, i turn to see the locker that i was leaning on and moved aside for him to open it harshly and it stopped on my face

His friends laughed and i just rolled my eyes and walked aside "hey! Go back to kindergarten shortee!" i heard one of his pals say and i sighed ignoring them then saw Jaune look for his locker

"Oh...why did this have to happen todaAH-" I hold him by the back of his armor because he nearly passed it "oh thanks Perdita" he thank me

"no problem thanks for the pillow last night i returned it near your bags" i told him and he takes his things from the locker

"yknow you should really ask first" Jaune lectures me and i just smiled pretending that i did

"Well i was thinking we could be on a team together!" i heard Weiss tell Phyrra

"well that sounds grand" Phyrra said while awkwardly shifting

"great!" then Weiss turns and now i can see her expression with clouds surrounding her, decision made i wouldnt survive in a room with her

"Yknow who else is great? Me Jaune Arc" Jaune swoops in the middle of them and i turned to my corner from where he was, he' guess.

I looked at behind them and saw the siblings wonder if i should talk to them and what Ruby knows to get approved in Beacon early, just as i was about to step close to them my head started to hurt again and by connecting the patterns from yesterday it started acting up because of them.

"would all first year students. Please report to beacon cliff for the initiation. Again would all students please report to beacon cliff immediately " the voice of Glynda from the intercom brought me back and i saw Ruby look at me with a smile on her face and with this pain in my head, shes now annoying.

"Hey Perdita! Wanna head to the area together?" she asks and before she could run at me I turned away heading to the designated area and didnt feel like helping Jaune too

...Time Skip...

" For years you have trained to become warriors. And today your abilities will be evaluated in the emerald forest" Ozpin said to us students standing on pads

"Now im sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of team. Well allow us to put an end to your confusion, Each of you will be given teammates...Today" Glynda said and i heard Ruby whine, just adjust on what you have geez its that simple

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon, so it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well, That being said the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years. " he said

"What?!" Ruby shouts in disbelief i guess she has social issues

"see i told you!" i heard the girl beside me tell the boy beside her

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now