Chapter 59 Invitation

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"Whitley... What are you doing, call for help!" I tell him but he doesn't move and I stand in front of him protectively throwing a book to Doctor Watts director who easily casted a sheild with his rings and looked at the book I threw at him

"Have you even tried that book? Good read I must say..." He says and I grit my teeth

"What are you doing here!? If you had come for me, then you got me! Leave Whitley out of this!" I scream as loud as I can but noise barely goes through this Mansion

"You know, Perdita had atleast more manners than you have... And im here with a business deal with his Father, Young Schnee here and I was just discussing for his.... Bright... Future ahead of him, you barely even congratulated him of his Father becoming councilman. " I have just had enough of him as he easily casted another sheild to block my punch but it just confirms to me more that he's not some digital hologram!

But I didn't expect him to have a gun-!

"Careful now girl, you may still have Black's strength but if my theory serves me right, you could barely bring out her full potential." He said as he had a gun on my head

Just a second is all I need...

"Use that collar of yours to call for back up, and you aren't going to like who gets to pay the price." I freeze when he aimed the gun at Whitley

"How did you know..." I glare at him

"Young girl, I was the one who created its blueprint, and its used for criminals that would be doing community services while also punishing them of their being... I can tell you that with just one button from that General then your head would be blown off" He says smirking

"I. dont. care..." I walk back when he pulls the back of his gun to ready to shoot

He basically has us as hostages!

"... Why does Salem want me and my sister..." I grit my teeth asking him as he took out his tools and had ordered me to sit on the table and began messing with my collar

"Like I rat basically crawled out of nowhere after Beacon fell, but you did serve with Loyalty and killed whoever she pointed you to." He says carefully taking off the dust on my collar

If my semblance is off, I wish I could just knock him out there and there!

But I wouldn't be able to get through that stupid sheild of his!

"I'm not falling for any accounts of responsibilities, Perdita did it and not me." I said growing tired myself of others treating me as if I am Perdita

"And that is why you can be of use to me. Honestly, me and Black had been finding ways to get rid of you first, so tell me this Rose." I freeze again when he added the dust back on my collar

"How on the brothers earth did you best, one of not the feared assassin in this lifetime? Whether you like it or not, the Queen expects you to not fail, so even if you stay mindless on that head of yours, that body you hold had already offered her full loyalty." I could just feel dread on his words

Suddenly before I could answer I was pushed into a small room and it was dark!

"Whitley run- AGHK-!?" Tendrils suddenly wrap around my neck and lift me off from the ground

The room only glowed red and black smoke was everywhere.

I tried to use my semblance to get off but I was electrocuted by my collar and the Grimm was covering my mouth

Grimms should not be this smart!

This isn't real!

This isn't real!

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