Chapter 38 Our Relationship

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The trip on finding Ruby did not need to feel so tiring.

I stood in an Airship to Patch where I remembered Ruby and Yang came in the small island that we stopped for Vale,

Everything about the Island felt like a headache as I placed my hood on to hide my hair, thankfully enough I was already reported dead in the battle at Beacon

My red coat swayed behind me as I looked at the lively and forest area of the Island, tracking it didn't seem hard when I asked where Ruby and Yang lived

"Excuse me..." I asked an old lady who had a stall of small animals such as chickens and pigs

"Yes? Can I help you with something dear?" She replied but her cheerful tone began to die down seeing that I was dressed more unfriendly in terms, noticing my weapons on my back

"I was hoping to ask if you know where Yang Xiao Long lives? Im a classmate of her in Beacon and I was wondering to give her a surprise visit" I asked only using Yang who did have a reputation around Vale rather than just Beacon

The woman then chuckles finally putting her guard down

"Oh dear! And here I thought that I was in trouble! While you're there care to bring this to her for me... She... Well you've heard during the Fall of Beacon and even at that Festival... She hasn't been the same since... That Poor girl... I sure have hoped that her little sister would come to her senses and return." She said to which made me raise a brow

"...Is it they're little sister... Sangria?" I asked accidentally gripping the letter envelope that she had handed to me to deliver

"Oh! Ohno good heavens no! We shouldn't say or even pray for those who deserves rest to return!... You must have been a close friend of her to know that but no... Its the other one Ruby, Their father from what I've heard to help that poor man have weights off his chest said that they were going to Mistral?" The old lady began to scratch her head

" That one had always dreamed for an adventure... But what made her think that this would have been the right time to travel even with her friends?" The old woman sighs and then shoos me off

"Ahg! This old lady shouldn't hold you back with the things she'd only heard! Just go east from here and when you see an open feild you just go follow the path, but also make sure that you dont knock on my door haha! Mine doesn't have lovely sunflowers on the front Garden!" She laughs upon giving me directions and I nodded

"Thank you, I'll be on my way now..." I said walking away

"Hey!" The old woman called again and I turned back to see her pointing to a direction

"The east is that way dear! Wouldn't want you getting lost now would we!" She said and I felt the envelope in my hand making me internally sigh and walk to the direction she pointed and thanked her

I had already gathered too much attention with our discussion, and as small this island is, I'll be easily stuck here if im not careful, but now atleast I know that Ruby isn't in the Island and now I sent a message to Tyrian who investigated the location of Spring while I was out

Two birds with one stone was what he said but I think he just wanted me to be pissed by reuniting with my family-

I nearly stumbled upon a tree root and held on a tree, suddenly this made my headache worse making me kneel to the ground and pant

It shouldn't have gone this bad!

I took off my mask and hood forcing myself off the forest as I saw an open space to what ended up being a cliff and I fell on all fours panting heavily and groaning in pain

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now