Chapter 26 He's Here?!

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HAPPEH NEW YEAR HHHHHHH 2020 was a mess and now its time for 2020 season 2 LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!

Perdita's POV

We watched Team JNPR against team BRNZ begin as all team go run to each other except for their sniper

The whole battle was a mess and thought about why did they decide to retreat behind a boulder

They soon went out their hiding spot bit not after Jaune blocking the Gravity disks accidentally hitting his face with his sheild

"Well he's dumb..." Emerald said and i took some popcorn from Mercury

"You should have seen him on the first semester..." i said then Nora was being tazed by the enemy

"Well that guy is done for..." i said and ate some popcorn

"Oh yeah the lightning girl..." Mercury said remembering the information i read out before

"Oho, looks like one of my favorite students,Nora Valkrie is charging up to use her Semblance!" Professor Port says which made me deadpanned since he gave away Nora's strategy to the enemy making them have a time to esca---

I was cut off by my thoughts when the guy was smacked to the boulder breaking it, Me and Emerald started cackling because Mercury winced

Nora sped to a mountain and Ren is flanking in the sniper leaving Jaune and Phyrra head on with the other two opponents

Jaune was left stunned since he hit himself with his shield again making Phyrra fight the two at once he quickly recovered to assist her

Ren used Rolan as a shield from the sniper from hitting him then Phyrra shot herself upwards from Jaune to block the sniper hit for Nora who launched her grenades that formed into a heart then slammed straight down to the three enemies below knocking them back

"Nice... " I complimented while eating popcorn

"You sure your right about putting the Hammer girl on the list? " Emerald asked

"she's good but... She can't do anything without Ren...her reliability to a person is what could cause her doom... Not a good thing to have power bestowed upon..." I said and Cinder hummed in response

"what are they doing? " Mercury asks while the other audience and also got restless since JNPR is talking in a middle of a fight

"Oh no really a meeting at a time like this...? Just let Nora hit them with a Hammer already while Phyrra will keep them polarised to the ground..." I said

And it just as if the gods heard me Nora did hit them with the hammer to the protective hardlight sheild

"And it appears JNPR wins by knockout! Literally!.... Can someone check to see if their okay...?"

The next fight was Team SSSN against Team IDGO who lost by a current shock in the water from Neptune

"none... " I said and Emerald swiped out the IDGO girls names on the list

"That concludes the matches for today, please leave the Colosseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASION!" Dr.oobleck says my scroll rang and I saw it was Jaune

" you three are to look around and see incase of trouble that might come for us... Just don't make it obvious and have fun... " Cinder said and I was about to answer the call till Mercury placed his hand on my shoulder

"You got it... We'll take dibs on the Ships area... " Mercury says and dunk the big popcorn container on my head which covers my head entirely!

"Oi!" I said getting it off me while we walked out the Colosseum he must have wanted to talk we've never been separated this long so I placed my scroll on my pockets

"so what non boring things did you guys do while I wasn't around? " I asked and he chuckled

" same thing kinda boring though finding people and beating the crap out of them if they wont oblige... What about you? You look like you haven't slept in weeks " He said

" Hmp! You call those boring? You have not sat down to listen to adults tell their Great Life and Boring stories about then have you write about yours in the end.. Also yeah Roman kept bugging me so I gotta force myself to fix his messes.. Well since you guys are here I can finally rest in peace! " I said then got a bonk

"Rest in Peace as in rest in!!! Peace!!! Like sleep!! Not dead peace!!" I said rubbing my head geez this overprotective but asshole idiot

" well out of the 3 of us you were the only one who could read and write fast, have you seen me and Ems hand writing? " he joked and I laughed remembering it was so bad

"hi mom yeah he's having fun don't worry... " I saw a student with a child on her scroll and it saddened me but making me hope that they wouldn't be here when the day comes

"That... Is what i wanna know about... you've been down alot quite a lately and don't use the school crap as an excuse... " Mercury said pointing out my change of Expression then I sighed

"it's just... All of these people... They don't know what's coming for them... My professors, my classmates, my...friends... I--" I was cut off

"It's a mission... You just got your head into it... After this we would move to the next country then slowly all of Remnant then we'll be the top dogs around that new world, we dont need to take orders from people anymore,we'll be free wasn't that we wanted? " he said and i just lowered my head

"But what if we..get out and escape...? And live like normal people...?" I asked thinking of what freedom actually means after we do all of those  pain to millions of people

" Then we would be chased down...and even if we decide to come back to it we wouldn't be having the benifits...besides..what life is it out there? We can't be normal people we weren't trained to be that way... We were trained to kill and survive... " he said the things I already know but I just can't bring myself to tell him that

"but if you want to get out yourself then I won't stop you... I'll cover you then I'll continue on while you do with yours... " He said then i looked at him in shock

" Look I'm your big brother and it's my Job to look out for you... Even if we finish attacking the world I'll then find you... " he said the i clenched his arm to make him look at me

"Im not that selfish to just leave you! you've always look out for me and it's not that I don't want it to end I just don't want to risk losing you! Even though...even though I witness my real sisters in front of me.. They weren't there when I was in trouble and in pain.. you were and if your not thinking about going to a different route on this... Then fine.. I won't too... I'll endure... and endure... Whatever is thrown at us... " I said then he pats my head playfully then chuckled

" here I thought you  would have decided to walk back to your family..." he said

" what did I scared Ya? I'm not planning that... like I said they weren't there when I needed them but you were..." I said as we walked to some bunch of people gathering around

"wait.. " we looked and then we were shocked to see the Huntsman that attacked them while getting the Maiden power and the information on my papers, Qrow Branwen fighting a Schnee?

" come on lets hurry..." me and Mercury made a run for it to the dorms to plan that he is here.

It short since I sleepy
N wae


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