Chapter 52 Casualties Of War

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Sangria stirred unconsciously, causing the people monitoring her from the glass to be in high alert.

She's been doing it repeatedly since the past 2 days of her being passed out cold, but never waking up.

Eventually Ironwood got a word from what had happened to Perdita Black from Team RWBY, JNOR, and Qrow Branwen.

Ruby Rose had asked him after their discussions about taking down Salem and the discovery of more allies who knows the true threat of the world, about what had happened to their little sister?

Ironwood assured them that they had nothing to worry about and she will be safe from Salem, knowing the context that Perdita Black had come with them willingly to give information.

However knowing what had happened to their key of information.

"DAMNIT!" He slammed his metal fist to the wall and infront of him are his Ace Operatives and Winter Schnee

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