Chapter 15 Welcome to Beacon

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Hashire sori yo---


Perdita's POV

Last night i gained a text from Cinder "we're moving to phase two" to which made me a bit down? I released a sigh mentally telling myself that my time here on Beacon is nothing but a task

I snapped out from my thoughts by Nora snoring. Oh yeah we are in the library. Phyrra then clears her throat and switched Jaune's comic with a history book. I caught a board piece before it hit his forehead

"hey Perdita can I borrow that?" Jaune asked for the board piece then I gave to him and he walked to Team RWBY loudly playing the board game

"sup losers" Sun a guy we met yesterday came in with a guy with blue hair "Ruby, Yang, Blake, ice queen" he greets

"why does everyone keep calling me that?! " Weiss said making me cover my mouth to prevent myself from laughing

"uhmm aren't library's for reading? " The guy with blue hair asked

"Thank you! " Ren said causing Nora to jolt awake saying Pancakes, oh yeah we didn't buy ingredients for I want pancakes...

"nerd" I said playfully

"at-a-cha-ah intellectual..thankyou.. I'm Neptune have we met before? " he said and I place my hand on my chin like I have a beard

"..nope. I'm originally from Mistral and supposed to be at Haven but is sent here in Beacon so maybe.. " I said thinking of what happened before when I got lost in Haven looking for Lionhearts Office

~(•ω•)~ flashbacku ~(•ω•)~

I went out of line after I bought myself some water in Haven Academy "damn it where the hell is that coward, wasn't he suppose to wait on the entrance? " I asked Emerald to which when i turned is now gone and looks at a guy flirting with girls

"weirdo... " I said and 'accidentally' bumped into him causing some water to get on his jacket

"ah I'm really really sor--" I wasn't even finished then the guy fainted... What?

"yeah no worries I'm sorry too the guy is afraid of water, im Sun by the wa--" a guy in tan with blonde hair faced me then had the expression looking for me then proceeded to carry his friend to the clinic leaving me in confusion then i saw Emerald in the crowd squinting her eyes implying that she was using her semblance then we proceeded to look for the office

~(•ω•)~flashbacku endz~(•ω•)~

It's a miracle they don't notice me

"are you kidding me?!" Jaune said because Neptune flirted and Weiss was okay with it

"Never took you as a board playing type" Sun told Blake who had a tired expression on her face

"yeah well.. Im done playing actually..i see you guys later" she said putting her cards down and went out the library leaving Sun motion on 'whats with her'

"women.." Nora cuts the silence and we looked at her

"well theres a spot to play now Jaune" Ruby invites our leader and it was fun watching them seeing Yang get mad of losing to Jaune without Jaune noticing we laughed

I notice my scroll buzzing so i went to the corner and see the message sent to me " we're in Beacon Cinder said to meet by outside your dorm also our dorm room are individually separated i'll send you the details when we get them " it was from Emerald "also your brother said hi" that text placed a smile on my face

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