Chapter 32 Is This Goodbye?

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Its finna summer my friends, what were yall doin while waiting for volume 9?


"Ah- im sorry- Did I wake you up??" Perdita looks at Phyrra that moved the curtains to her bed shocked to seeing her awake

"Y-yeah..... Sorry I uh... Didn't sense you coming..." Perdita scratches the back of her head while slowly putting away her scroll

"I bought you some snacks along the way... Sorry I wasn't around with the others earlier, How are you doing?" Phyrra was having second thoughts of telling a slight hint to what she just witnessed from the Professors and Headmasters

Perdita sighed at the memory right after her brother left.

"Nora jumped on me and cried, I think most of my head injuries were from her being loud" she lightly smiled being touched by how they cared about her

Then she frowned.
Because Perdita knew they were worried over lies.

But Phyrra still placed her hand over her shoulder
"You're gonna be okay, things like these are normal if you push yourself too hard, trust me I know..."

"Now that you guys know about my... Condition... I just hope you guys dont treat me any...differently..." Perdita still looked at her hands flat on the blanket thinking how she could push this to her favor

"What do you mea-" Perdita cut her off

"LIKE A CHILD-! that's what happens if adults see that you can't do the things they tell you to do! They'll put you aside like a child! Like an insignificant child! I know im too young for this but I also know that I can do things all of you can! I-" Perdita screamed unknowingly choking on her tone

How funny that this story she came up with for her also applies to her life behind the mask,

"I know that... I dont have that much to live... But I never... Had anything else to live for but my brother..and if im not strong enough... What will happen to me if I end up losing him..." Perdita closed her eyes trying to calm herself down before she says too much to rat herself out

"Perdita, I... I came here to see you because I also wanted to ask you something... Something relating back to that broken house on the mission, I understand that it may have been rough for you to have reacted that way but, I just want to understand more so I can help..." Phyrra sat straight looking at Perdita

Did she not listen to what she said or was her acting getting a little old that she didn't feel like to sympathize?

What does she know?

What does she want to know?

Perdita was hesitant in letting her continue, she was going to admit that after knowing Qrow Branwen being here they might easily snuff her out in any way possible,

But then Perdita was reminded of what her role was again after looking at the scar on her arm, why she is here as Perdita Black and not Sangria Rose.

" That house and that village, I just think that they had the wrong person that's why they attacked us, the way I cried on that burnt house was because it reminded me of a place similar to it..." Perdita replied with a thought as if she lived in Mistral

"I.... I see... And uhmm this is my Last Question but... we're you adopted? You never really showed us a Family picture of some sorts nor talk about you parents..." Phyrra pushed

Perdita is unable to stem out from here, but she might know what story she's trying to have a perspective on

" Yes, me and my brother just grew up beside each other ever since our... Parents passed away from the Grimm, we were lucky enough to be adopted and be given a chance to go to an Academy- it is... A heavy topic to say and I didn't want to shadow Ren and Nora's story... " Perdita looked to the side and frowned where Phyrra saw it shined as if she was about to cry more

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