Chapter 41 Answer To Us

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"Good." Salem says as me, Watts, Mercury, and Emerald stood by the corner and watched Cinder defeat mutated Grimms, much more durable than the usual ones and the Queens experiments.

She wanted to pursue the Spring Maiden along with me and Watts after he got the information that Lionheart gave him,

Cinder was more frustrated of the fact that Ruby and the others made it to Mistral, while I was slightly trying to keep my cool and fix my mindset on who we are supposed to meet

But because she was still recovering, she has to prove herself infront of Salem.

"I am ready." Cinder said bowing to Salem trying to hide her catching her breath but Salem then turned to me and nodded.

"What are you-?" Emerald was stopped by Mercury as I walked to Cinder holding both of my scythes in hand

"RAGH!" Cinder turned to me with a slash of flames and I spun my scythes separating it away then ran ahead of her shooting myself away and shooting myself again twisting my body landing an upper kick

She however parried it by releasing a gust of wind making it surround her pushing me high and back but I used this opportunity to sink to the ground with my semblance.

I sensed that Cinder floated off the ground

"WATCH OUT!" Emerald screamed and Cinder saw a blade going towards her blindside as I came out from the wall

As she parried it with her flaming glass sword along with the shot I sent from my other scythe she now had the upper hand with me in the air

I aimed my guns to Cinder and she easily blocked it with her sword and I grinned as it exploded at her face knocking her to a wall then I landed on the ground but stopped as Salem presented a hand signaling me to stop

Cinder then looked at me furiously having her Grimm arm clench the wall, I stood up seeing her land on the ground leaving a dent and the room was just filled with Dr. Watts chuckling

"You may proceed along with Watts and Perdita, however what you may do to execute the mission in getting the relic will be on all of your hands. I do hope that you'll do well in working along" Salem says looking at Cinder specifically and I could hear Dr. Watts grumbling with the decision made

"I will not fail you! Without you... I am nothing." Cinder tells Salem and I walked to Mercury about to have a high five but Emerald held me by the arm

"You could have made Cinder get in trouble! What were you thinking?!" Emerald asked and I phased my arm away and Mercury stood infront of Emerald

"Em! What is wrong with you? She only placed up a fight. " Mercury defended me and I sighed seeing that she just glares at me and I pat my brother on his shoulder

"She's fine... I'll go with the doctor to get things ready." I smiled at him and they watched me go, as I looked ahead I frowned but then heard the doctor click his tongue

"Tsk,tsk, children need to learn to behave for your sake" He says and I moved to sit on the front co pilot

"Did you manage to fix the problem with Tyrian's tail?" I asked after overhearing that He could do something about it and now as he said he should be resting, but resting was an odd thing for us to know that Tyrian follows,

My question leaves the Doctor to sigh while he checks the mechanisms of the Airship

"Yes, Yes he will be up and running around as his usual by the time the sedative wears off, as masochistic he is about having the procedure without I mainly did it for my own peace to work" He groans with the fact of how Tyrian would behave and I chuckled

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