Chapter 44 Common Knowledge

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"Are we really sure about this?" The guard asks his companion beside him while turning to the side of an unconscious Perdita.

"We meet them at the station, after that it's smooth sailing for us from there, unfortunately not even them can't get in touch with the General to give them a private flight, so we need to have her transfered the normal way." The guy who drove them answers

Unnoticed to them, Perdita was well enough conscious, listening through their conversation.

" This kingdom really lets their criminals go freely too much..."She hears a guard grumble and the vehicle stopping

When they removed the straps on her legs and arms was when she jumped on them, harshly kneeing the guy on the face but without her aura being limited with the collar it only left him dazed for a moment,

"STOP!" The aim of their weapons only made Perdita swiftly move behind them and she grabbed the guards pocket knife in the process stabbing him on the back of his neck without the protection of his armor.

Perdita needs to save her Semblance but only when its to finish them, and she could feel the heat closely touching her skin,

As they shot at her being reinforced with aura that is expected to go through a dead body to her, Perdita dragged the body and ran to the side of the vehicle using her aura and semblance to kick the body making it phase through and the voices of the guards could be heard. But not much as trains arriving had covered it to her luck,

Unknown to the other guards who had checked to fight her outside, no longer sees her.

Until both of them were shot with bullets that phased through and couldn't be stopped even with the reinforcements of their Aura from inside the vehicle where Perdita had taken the weapons on the dead guards.

Now that Perdita had finished the job she has about a few minutes left before reinforcements arrives, so she made sure that none of the Guards were breathing before casually going inside the station using her semblance.

She scratches her collar and clearing her throat, sweating on not being able to understand how it clearly works but it did get tighter on her neck.

"Sorry that if I do die here Merc..." She whispers to herself.



I sighed in relief being in a bathroom with a purse that I stole from a lady, looking for things that could cut the stupid cuff off, but for the collar I'm still unsure of it,

It took me so long to take down the guards that was supposed to take me to the station but none of them had anything that can take the damn thing off!

The collar activates when it senses an activation of aura, it burns and shrinks until it'll choke me to death so I guess they were planning to kill me either way, even Aura sensing wasn't exempted with the sensing chip on the back of my head providing as the Main sensor.

Old Man would have wanted this shits entire stock for me and Mercury.

If I could meet up with the Doctor in Atlas he could help, but if I am to tag along with Team RWBY, JNOR, and Qrow, I might aswell make sure they're staying on course.

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