Chapter 24 Unexpected Events

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Ayyyyy dont worry this is the last chappy of the mission chapters hhhhhhh

Ren's POV

After i got the call from Phyrra I continue to support Nora who was feeling weak after she went out from the bathroom making me worry

I wiped off my sweat as I felt cold, too cold

"Ren... Your burning up... " Nora said since her arm was around my neck from supporting her

"don't worry I'll be fine..we'll just have to get back at the inn with Jaune and Doleo.. " I said and she nodded in reply as if she was tired to talk

"Just hang in there... " I said as I knocked on the door and Doleo opened the door revealing Jaune also on his bed resting

"how is he...? " I asked after I set our stuff down and made Nora lay on her bed

"His temperature is getting normal...for now he is just needs to rest.. What about you and the girl, you two looked like you traveled the whole anima in one night" Doleo joked and I notice Nora starting to shiver so she clenched her blanket

"please help her... she's also sick, I'll go call our school to come pick us up and if possible tonight.. " I said as I head to reach for my scroll but something unexpectable happened

Doleo shot my scroll then I turned to him in shock

"oh... You don't need to do that...besides... In a few hours you and your friends will die from poison.." he said as I saw on what was behind him was our stuff and weapons

I quickly ran to him but was too weak and he closed the door locking us in the room from the outside

"Why are you doing this!?" I asked as my vision slowly starting to lose itself and I heard him laugh

"Oh... Im just gonna make her feel on what's it like to lose someone cherished, now be a good huntsman or this bullet will go through your skull" he said from the door viewer

I backed to the wall and panted knowing I can't block the bullet with my aura slowly going down and I can't see where it is at now

Doleo left and I sensed the whole inn was empty since we got here and we were on the 2nd building making it difficult for someone to hear us with no window on our room as well

"Ren... "I turned to Nora who slowly sat up then we turned to Jaune who was coughing

"We need.. to keep ourselves up..till help arrives.. " I said slowly getting up with Nora shaking Jaune awake then I went to get water with the towels

Perdita's POV

Me and Phyrra snatched out our scrolls after we heard it beep repeatingly then we saw Jaune and Nora aura levels on orange and Ren says theres no signal

"Phyrra go find the others and call Professor Peach, I'll handle the Grimm " I said then held out my scythes then she nodded thinking there was no time

"Be safe.. " She said and we ran on separate directions

I ran pass the panicking and evacuating people to come face with a Geist that was the same as the other one but with a bigger form of rocks and boulders destroying the buildings

I aimed my weapon straight for its mask till I heard some growling I swinged my scythes on my back and I sliced a Beowulf half with the Guards shooting the others then at the Geist

"focus on protecting the people then the Beowulfs! leave the Geist to me!" I said while luring the Geist away from the buildings to the center part of the town by shooting it by the masks but ends up missing

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