Chapter 49 Against A Ghost

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"I haven't seen him this bad..." Yang says to Ruby beside her as they both look at Qrow on the stairs by the house passed out and they both sigh picking their Uncle up,

"Ugh... Why am I on the floor?" He groans awake

"Maybe because no one is Home! Uncle Qrow... We were out looking for Perdita and Oscar" Ruby tells him then they turn to the corner seeing the others also made their way back

"wow! Im sure this looks great to the neighbors!" Terra says but got elbowed by her wife

"Nothing too huh?" Yang asks then Jaune shakes his head, still frustrated in making two mistakes causing two people leave his sight,

"Hey... It's okay, I'm sure we can continue finding them tomorrow..." Ruby tells him but internally upset,

She let Perdita go again-

"Don't worry... We aren't going to Atlas without them..." Jaune says making Ruby smile in relief

"So you didn't tell me the Qrow was atleast outside!" They all turned inside the house hearing Oscar scream at someone then he opened the door

"Oh-we were wondering when would you get back..." Oscar sweats as everyone gasped then Ruby and Yang was about to run inside but Perdita already showed themselves-

But both of them were unsure to do with each other.

Perdita however slowly brought them over into a hug,

A genuine hug...

"I didn't leave THAT long... I swear both of you were always the overdramatic-" Perdita stopped talking when they both hugged her back

Then she smiled,

"OSCAR!" The others scream and Weiss with Blake and JNR jumped on him causing the three to also trip

"YOU HAD US WORRIED SICK!" Weiss screams at him

"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!?" Nora asks and he rubs the back of his head

"Uhmm Sangria picked it for me so yea..." Oscar quickly turned a way when Nora looked at him jokingly

"It was all of my fault Oscar.. Im sorry for what I said, I was way way out of line and-" Oscar cut Jaune off by putting his hands up

"No! No! Its fine... I... Already did some thinking... I dont know how long do I have until im me... But that is why I'm going to help on whatever I can..." He says then Yang and Ruby helps Perdita up

Ruby then shoulder Perdita.

"What?" She looks at Team JNR and she turns away from them

"Honestly I just think that all of you are mad..." She sighs going back to the kitchen

"Hey... Sangria.." Jaune calls for her then she stopped but not look at them

"This team isn't going to be a good one without you..." He tells her then suddenly she jumped to Terra being held similarly like Adrian with the Oven going off

"ITS GONNA EXPLODE OSCAR!" Perdita screams

"HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE- OHNO THE CASSEROLE!!" He screams in realization then they all laughed with Perdita getting off Terra

"We got it chef!" Saffron says while handing Adrian to Perdita's hold

"You should have seen her when we tried teaching her how to cook pancakes!" Nora joked to Oscar

"I suppose the great Sangria doesn't have any cooking prowess?" Weiss added in with a smile

"Look whos talking..." Perdita murmurs then looked at Adrian who then copied her expression

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