Chapter 14 Communication

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Hi your mom gae???

Also its not blood its soda

Perdita's POV

I jolt awake with the sound of my scroll ringing and picked it up to see it was Roman.

"Perdita...go to sleep.." Nora said tiredly since its completely early in the morning in monday. Frik....

I quietly stood and went out the door, I shouldn't use my semblance in the school area's because I've searched that there arent any visible cameras but small ones, some students are already out going to the bullhead.

The message from Roman was I should kill a WhiteFang ally Tukson. It's a shame hes a good man I think its better for him to be a teacher

I walked to the back door sensing that he was there after I quietly opened the door I see Tukson stacking books, he still didn't see me

My hand reaches a book going tohis back intentionally going to phase it through his chest and leave it there till I heard a ring of a bell

"Be right there.. " I hid out of the way since he was occupied on the books he was carrying, I also sensed a familiar aura

"Welcome to Tukson's Book trade home every book under the sun! I how may I.... How may I help you? " he asked Emerald as she pretends she couldn't see me behind Tukson

"Just browsing... " Mercury replied and closes a book loud shut

"actually I was wondering.. Do you have a copy of the Thief and the Butcher?" Emerald asks Tucson and I lean to the wall with arms crossed and pout disappointed that Tucson could not at least sense me behind him. Also Mercury is covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing

"yes we do... " Tukson replies

"That's great! " Emerald says

"Would you... Like a copy? " Tukson offers

"no... Just wondering.. " Emerald says and Mercury shuts another book loud shut

"oh! oh! What about.. Violets Garden.. And Paper bag? "She continues

"He's got it.. Heart man too" Mercury says opening the book

"ohhh... Options are nice.. " Emerald says

"Eh no pictures. Hey! I do you have any comics? " Mercury asks after throwing the book. What a Butthole I liked that book

"near the front" Tukson replies

" oh! no wait! What about.. Third Cruesade?" Emerald asks and Tukson gave a thought

" I.. Uh... Don't believe we carry that one... " he replies and Mercury closed a book loudly

"oh... " He said

"what was thing place called again? " Emerald asks

"Tukson's Booktrade.." He replied

"And your Tukson?" Emerald asks

"That right" Tukson replies

" so then I take it that your the one that came up with the catchphrase..." Emerald asked and he replied with a Yes

"and...what was it again?" Mercury asks and Tukson sighs

"Tukson's book trade home to every book under the sun" He replies

"Except.. Third Crusade" Mercury says

"it's just a catchphrase..." Tukson says

"it's false advertising" Mercury said and I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing

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