Chapter 22 Search and Destroy

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Ajajajajajjaja mission chap is hereeee yaeeeee HHHHHHH help me

Jaune's POV

"go meet the sheriff and ask him what he requests. Assist and Defend there wont be a huntsman or huntresses going with you but you will be given the permission to dial our emergency rescue, if things you think will go out of hand just call us from your scrolls" Professor Peach told us as we landed a few distance from the town

"Yes ma'am!" we said in unison but Perdita just nodded and looked around, then we jumped off the bullhead,

"our first team mission! We are going to be such great deputies!" Nora cheered and we smiled

"according to Professor Peach we should be arriving the small town anytime soon" Ren informed us

"maybe we can do a little tour! Like... Oh! Oh! That mountain! Look at its ruin house! Do you think there could be.. Ghosts....? woOOoOooh.." Nora said then Phyrra chuckled, now I feel a little uncomfortable by looking at the burned house

"Nora don't try to scare us like that.." Phyrra said while we continued to walk but I turned to see and Perdita stopped walking

"Hey...You alright? You sense anything? "I ask and she looked like got out from a trance.

"Huh? What? Oh uhh.. Nope nothing so far.. Let's go I sense some people now ahead" Perdita said putting a smile and jogged ahead of us leading the way

"she's been looking a bit frantic ever since we went on the ship..." Phyrra whispered to me

" maybe because its our first mission..yeah i mean.. I feel nervous too "I said then we saw Nora bought out cowboy hats and make Perdita wear it making her smile

"Cmon! Cmon! We gotta look the part!" she said then we were a bit surprised when we arrived at the small town, it didn't have walls to secure it's perimeter

Perdita's POV

"I take it you lads are the huntsman and huntresses from beacon?" a old man with a boy same age to us approached

"Yes sir! Team JNPPR at your service! I I'm the Team Leader Jaune and this is Nora, Phyrra, Perdita, and Ren " Jaune introduced us

"well you kids sure came a bit late but what's important is your here! My name is Princepts I'm the elder of this small town and this is the towns healer Doleo he can be a little quite sometimes but this boy is smart and can show you the ropes around here!  " The old man said patting the boy in the back who smiled to us and winked at me so I turned away

"I will be showing you where you stay.. If you'll follow me, Your academy has already reserved it for your team" He said and led us to the town's inn then we placed our stuff down, the room we were given was a 3 and 2 Me and Phyrra decided to stay on the 2 and the others on the 3 one

"we applied for search and destoy...but the people didnt seem to bother that they have a grimm around their area that needs hunstman and huntresses to slay it..." I said being curious as I was the people seemed normal living their lives, and seems things have changed after Me and Mercury left

"And that's a good thing... Negativity is what lures the Grimms it's only right if the people here practiced on avoiding it... " Phyrra says

'but it's never been like this.. The people would sometimes hide me and Mercury or heal us but they would always give us back in the fear on what our father would do to them...why has no one noticed me here..?' I thought

"yeah... " I said agreeing to her statement

Phyrra looked worried at Perdita as if she was keeping something's from her again she was about to ask but there was a knock on our door, usually Perdita would sense it

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