Chapter 58 Dear Me

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"Have you tried extending your aura?" I watch as Mister Vine saves Jaune from falling into pillars of cubes

It turns out he did change his haircut!

"You got it Ren!" Nora, was her name? She cheered her friend on that accidentally got Miss Elms attention and saw that Ren wrapped his wires around her arm only to have his own force against him

We both winced in pain for the guy.

Nora however is on standby while I stand on some stacked cubes with openings incase I sink too far.

So far no progress other than making my eyes turn red, causing me to stomp on the cube

"I think it's either me or this cube not letting me sink!" I said sitting down in exhaustion and Nora leans on her hammer

"... Its... Fine... All you need to do is probably let loose! I think Perdita has trouble getting through Elements with dusts..." She says poking my cube causing me to hold on because it was simply floating with Gravity dust

"H-hey! What if I fall!" I say and she laughs

"You're notttt gonna get hurt with this height! Unless you have your aura activated ofcourse!" She says and I pout angrily standing up again to focus while she monitors my Aura levels

Even though its on green, I feel so tired just by using it!

Miss Elm pointed out that I have strong Aura levels but my body is used for it moved to certain places with focus than the way Aura should be used.

So in a sense, the 'normal' and 'simple' way of using Aura is foreign to my body

Why does Perdita do things so complicated?!?!

"So... You... Getting to remember things lately?" I hear Nora ask causing me to look at her

"Hm? Uhhh.... Just some bad things with what Perdita did here and there... You guys do feel familiar....So uhmm... Sorry I gave you guys such a hard time..." I said rubbing my scarred neck since it was itching again

"You really did give us a hard time to keep up... I mean, we treated Perdita like a good friend! Even though she barely sleeps and get herself stressed alot, she was pretty much normal until..." Nora stops

"Until... She betrayed you guys?" I ask her and she shakes her head

"To us, it came in second... We heard she tried to help protect Jaune and Phyrra but Cinder got her... And then yeah... We saw her trying to also take Ruby away then the Headmaster told us that her death was just a play...Crazy right? I think everytime she was infront of us she had us on our toes!" she laughs but I thought it was terrifying while I hold my head, knowing what her said is true but the memory is blurry

"Wait- why did Perdita try to take Ruby-?" I asked but Miss Elm called for me

"Sangria! You barely made through any levels! You gotta keep up kid! We're still going to see your combat with your aura!" She says and I panic stomping on the cube to let me using my semblance through

It was slightly working- but now my feet are stuck!

I try to dig myself off but- NOW MY ARMS ARE STUCK!

"Need help?" Nora asks while trying not to laugh

"N-no! No! Totally capiche! -AH!" I close my eyes to slowly open them and see that im in all fours UPSIDE DOWN THE CUBE BARELY MISSING MY HEAD HITTING THE FLOOR!

"Agh! Yes I need help! I need help! NORAAAA!!" I call for her but she just tap the top of the cube with her hammer and my arms and legs slowly come off to make me fall on the floor

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now