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".....Damian, I'm not really sure if we should trust her." Sangria whispers to the Robin faunus boy who have had enough of her past mutterings as they both sat patiently at the back of an Airship that Perdita is flying.

"This was your idea, and if you want to kill her then do it already." He said pointing at the other scythe on Sangria's hand

"I dont even know how this thing works! I've been trying to remember things but they just wont come in command-AH!" She stops as Damian simply pressed a button to move the weapon into its scythe mode and hummed being impressed of its design

"YOU COULD HAVE CUT MY FINGERS OFF! but it is really cool- AH!" Sangria jumped accidentally throwing her weapon to which Perdita had caught and smiled at her

"So this ship also has autopilot... Im impressed with the technology your world has." Damian says and Perdita nodded then they both looked at Sangria who had shifted into anger looking at Perdita

".... I remember now... You..." She stood up and pointed at her,

She can't really say she remembered all of it but she did remember beating up her own sister and trying to escape her family.

"How could you do that to those people!? And to Ruby... Yang...Uncle...Dad....How could you leave them and do something so bad?!" Sangria asks frustratingly and Damian looks to see how Perdita would react

"Sangria Rose... Passed away in the age of 6, cause of death... Grimm attack..." Perdita says by slowly walking up to her but Sangria can't help but feel how the information was wrong

"No... NO! Dad said that...He said-! That..." Sangria kneeled to the ground covering her mouth in what she remembered she was about to say,

"Dad didn't want me anymore... But who...No! Its not real! DAD WOULDN'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT! What about Ruby!? Yang?! What about-" Sangria was cut off by Perdita

"After an update from further investigation, Marcus Black had raised two children into becoming assassins like him, one of them is us and a brother who is 2 years older named Mercury Black..."

"Please stop... Just... Stop..." Sangria looked lost to the information but deep inside it felt real, as if she had gone through the pain then and there, even it had disappeared, the pain kept coming back,

"I don't... Want to remember anything... I don't want to know a single thing..." Damian's eyes had widened when she saw that Sangria's eyes were glowing red

"Rose..." Damian got up and Sangria had just realized that she was falling

"ROSE!" Damian screamed and he ran to the cockpit to quickly maneuver it down but realized the systems were different,

Lost and Found ( a rwby fanfic/ ruby and yang's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now